Jorge Cervantes

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New Member
It's a bad idea to pramote a different site here. I think your trying to help but it's still a no no. Atleast don't give a derect link. It's ok to name drop we know alot of different sites. but link and promoting is a way to get band. So edit your first post.
Lol dude, you must be as high as I am 24/7. What strain are you smoking on cause I need some more seed ideas! It's hilarious seeing you type band instead of banned, gotta be high as shit


Well-Known Member
I've been making my butter for 2 days. No gloves. So oil soaks in and gives about a 2 day high. Not big but nice. Tomarrow is the end so I'll be fucked up till Wednesday. That and I can't spell so what ever auto correct puts is what it says.


Well-Known Member
No one cared to know who or what approved my thread.... we all went straight to the trolling!!!

just saying between you two guys you average 396 posts per day on this site since you registered.... how many of them are not trolling or trying to increse a post count to seem special?

I cant say 396 usefull things a day on any 1 topic...

just sayn
Oh and I can say alot more per day on growing. Just don't have time it would be safe to say about 85% of my post are trying to help others. Some are in T&T others bashing trolls. Give it a try


Active Member
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch.

You guy are worse than a couple of old ladies, and last word freaks to boot.


Well-Known Member
I hate folks that get high or "medicate" lol and then pick on people or ride them like fucking bullies! With all the forums and other stuff to helpout on you choose to sit here and be trolls wow! talk about pushing people away!


Sector 5 Moderator
Nothing good coming of this. I wish it were all about "community" but websites are more about the money than community and the rules of this site prohibit direct links to other sites.
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