jst about to finsh vegging when do i start to add ionic bloom and boost plez somebody


hi all after i started killing my ladies about 30 days ago after over waterin in hydro dwc setup she is now full of life and i now think its bout time i stated flowing so happy:mrgreen:cant wait but i am shiting my self i dont know when to stop using ionic grow and change to bloom and when to add boost i dont want to kill off any guuudness:cry:ples anyhelp would be thankfull i am still as we speak on 18s light so hav not gone to 12/12 yet at the moment i am using bout 36ml of grow do i use the same mount with the bloom jst need help plez :joint::blsmoke:

diamond mylar
250w hps dual spectum
2x5lt tubs with lids
air pump 2xoutlets
2x80mm airstones
2x40mm pc fans on inlet
2x120mm pc fans on outlet


Active Member
The leaves should be shinny and much darker green. Right now it appears only the center and veins are the correct color green so you need to add more nitrogen. But, you start giving it the bloom stuff the very first week of flowering. Some mixtures even suggest to add an small amount of additional P the first two weeks of flowering though I don't think it's required.


ok thanks mate i think the leaves r a bit light burnt had the light a bit to close how would i go bout adding more nit wot would u recomend and by adding the bloom has that got more nits in it thanks