Judging dryness by weight


Active Member
Is it possible to judge if buds are done drying and ready for curing by weight. Say I pick out an average sized branch and weigh it just after cutting and then weigh that same branch everyday to track the amount of moisture is left.

If we start with 80% weight as water and we want maybe ?20%? water weight before we start cure.

Would this work better for noob's who don't know the exact "crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside" feel of a bud thats ready for the jar


Active Member
Well I've heard to dry and they won't cure proper. To wet and they will mold. I figured that there was an ideal moisture % to start curing, I was kinda wondering what that number was.


Well-Known Member
i dont know about the weighing method, prob wont be as good as using your eyes and feeling it. So if its crispy on the outside.......and the Stem snaps instead of bends, then it is ready for the jar. You can also check the jar frequently to see if it seems to moist and take it out if it is.

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
If it helps - my cola weighed 22 grams when I first cut it, now after hanging for nearly a week it weighs about 5.5-6 grams...

...it seems to be pretty bone dry so I'll start curing tomorrow! (I dunno if it'll make a lot of difference at this stage but the twigs are still a bit bendy so...)