I saw a good post by Seamaiden over at thc farmer. She was talking about Cali and legalization in general, but I think it applies to this discussion as well. Originally Posted by Seamaiden:
"I no longer support legalization in any way, shape or form. Why? The Hemp Farming Bill just passed here in California in combination with the new patents on pot being granted to big pharma.
Chimeric marriages will lead us to a new monster that we never could have imagined. Once it's actually "legalized" WE won't be able to grow for ourselves, just like it used to be with tobacco. I'm sure this is the way we're headed, for as long as we live in a state where farmers can't save their own seed without permission.
No legalization. Decrim.... possibly, but no legalization. I'd rather we keep it to ourselves than let an outfit like Bristol-Meyer Squibb marry an outfit like Monsanto, and that *is* what's coming down the pipeline.
Myopia. We haz it."