just a couple general amateur grower questions...


Active Member
ok so its been 1 month now, and my plants are still alive, thank god. im doing pretty solid so far with the materials i have. now that i have done my research and raised a little bit of extra money, im ready to get some good stuff. i just have a couple questions just to confirm that i understood everything right and i think ill be completely ready for this.

- i decided on happy frog soil. i understand this soil contains nutes for the plant for some time. but when the time comes to fertilize the plants, is it important that i use only fox farm nutes? and since happy frog is organic soil, is it important i use organic nutes as well?

- once i get this soil, will it be ready to go or should i maybe throw some more perlite in there? maybe some top soil or something else? i am looking for a good soil mix.

- is neem oil the best pest control for your marijuana plant out there? is this the recommended stuff, or is there something better?

well i think thats it, please help me out here, thanks.


Well-Known Member
You do not have to use organic nutes with organic soil,nor do you just have to use foxfarm.Pearlite is a great idea the topsoil im not so sure iv'e gotten mucho bug infested topsoil before.Neem is a super all around pest control and it won't harm you "most important!".:peace:


Well-Known Member
For me, pre-nuted soils my be a problem. Most people (I'm 1) don't use them. Until you've got a grow or two under your belt, I'd stick to a Foxfarm Ocean Forest,that and Supersoil are just 2 of the more commonly used here. You should control the food intake..You can always go up...but coming down from overfeeding is harder...As for organic nutes I've no experience with them..read FAQ...
Neem oil is good, you can also spray the undersides of the leaves with a dish soap & water ..approx. 1/2 teaspoon per gallon water...I also cover my soil when doing this...don't want soap in the root system..
Since I can't get those soil brands the perlite question isn't one I can honestly advise on, but that being said, a large amount of peeps mix perlite or Pro-mix with theirs. Me I use a premium soil and Pro-mix at a 50-50% mix..there are other used products...coco...etc, but again I've no experience with them..I'm sure you'll get more help.....Good Luck...FAQ <<<<


Well-Known Member
lets be honest. okay.. I took some soil from the garden and growed this out from it.

works for me :roll:


Active Member
alright cool thanks everyone, so twistyman you suggest i should get ocean forest over happy frog? could someone tell me some of the benefits of the 2 soils?


Active Member
manigethigh, i am about to get mine from somocohydro.com. free shipping over $40. htg supply is just ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Any nursery will have a good neutral ph soil...some will even have sterile soils...even better..If I'm not sure about "store dirts" I'll call and ask them. (nursery)..they're the pro's..Really I'd say any premium soil is good..just don't use $1.99 stuff...As Brunox said..if you've got good growing soil outside your door...try a plant or two...experiment...that's how you learn whats good...risky..but always worth a shot..