just ate my first magic mushrooms...


Well-Known Member
Never was a huge shroom fan. I liked my cid. Probably because the first time I ever did shrooms I ate a quarter (dry obviously)..... that night sucked. Didn't help my buddy got his ass jumped. Ive had bad trips before but this was just too intense. I got to the point where I had to turn the blacklights, christmas lights and ect off. I was laying in bed, fetal position with a beautifull but way too intense roller coaster ride of colors. Around peek I couldn't hold my piss any more... kicked on the bathroom light and about had a heart attack. I think my piss hit water maybe twice as i was swaying with the toilet.

Acid on the otherhand I could gobble a 10 stip of some black diamonds and have the time of my life.
everything i read on shroomery.org points to the fact that eating more than 1.5 or 2 grams dried (less than one eight), and being in anything less than a great setting (they all recommend outdoors, on a nice sunny day), is a one-way ticket to an awful trip


Active Member
Sounds like your little hobby grew in your head....Atleast you knew what you were eating and when you get your first 8 grams dry off of your garden I would wait until a friday nite about 9 pm and eat em down and sit back and tell yoursellf blast off see you in 8 hours and enjoy.If you like to camp go out into your favorite spot and trip your ass off and enjoy. 8 may sound like alot and trust me you will not be disapointed just be comfy. ( no bars you want to know tht you are in control of EVERYTHING but be relaxed why I like the lake and a nice fire at nite)By the way how is your garden coming along are you in the last 2 weeks yet?I hope you did a G2G before you mixed and cased your jars.If you did in 4 tubs you will be almost weekly.


Well-Known Member
no shit eh? wow. i'm far now properly de-appetized by the thought of trying to have a proper trip on fresh ones.
Yeah I would never eat them fresh again. They get stuck in your teeth horribly, and taste 100x worse. Besides, you can dry them rather quick if you have a food dehydrator. some take the heating element out of it, but I left it and hasn't effected potency at all. They dry pretty quick just setting them out too....

I would make tea if you didn't want to dry them out. tea fucks you up.

also, i wonder if there's any way to tell the difference between active and inactive pans.. i never heard of inactive ones. But only tried them once, as I live south.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your little hobby grew in your head....Atleast you knew what you were eating and when you get your first 8 grams dry off of your garden I would wait until a friday nite about 9 pm and eat em down and sit back and tell yoursellf blast off see you in 8 hours and enjoy.If you like to camp go out into your favorite spot and trip your ass off and enjoy. 8 may sound like alot and trust me you will not be disapointed just be comfy. ( no bars you want to know tht you are in control of EVERYTHING but be relaxed why I like the lake and a nice fire at nite)By the way how is your garden coming along are you in the last 2 weeks yet?I hope you did a G2G before you mixed and cased your jars.If you did in 4 tubs you will be almost weekly.
i completely forgot to do a grain-to-grain transfer :( you just reminded me of that

8 grams dry sounds absolutely crazy @_@ lipa yai is supposed to be on the potent side and i hear most experienced shroomers say they eat around 5-6 grams dry for a strong trip

as far as my own garden i can see myself fruiting in the next 8-10 days. my substrates are already beginning to colonize on the surface

not going to case them. instead i'm going to go for 100% humidity FAE, casingless. most sourcess i read say that cubensis don't need a casing at all if you have good humidity


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would never eat them fresh again. They get stuck in your teeth horribly, and taste 100x worse. Besides, you can dry them rather quick if you have a food dehydrator. some take the heating element out of it, but I left it and hasn't effected potency at all. They dry pretty quick just setting them out too....

I would make tea if you didn't want to dry them out. tea fucks you up.

also, i wonder if there's any way to tell the difference between active and inactive pans.. i never heard of inactive ones. But only tried them once, as I live south.
i do plan on getting a food dehydrator sometime soon! sounds like the biggest and best investment into shrooming that i'll have to make, besides the pressure cooker :P


New Member
I could have told you that you weren't going to feel anything lol.
You got the mushrooms properly identified, why didn't you do the research on them?
Anyways they are next to inactive, though traces of The actives have been found in this species.


Well-Known Member
I could have told you that you weren't going to feel anything lol.
You got the mushrooms properly identified, why didn't you do the research on them?
Anyways they are next to inactive, though traces of The actives have been found in this species.
i did do research on them. i knew they were less active than cubes and stuff, but didn't know they were this weak

the research and the people on shroomery.org all pointed toward it being at least mildly active

they said it was a toss-up between cinctulus and olivaceous


Well-Known Member
i completely forgot to do a grain-to-grain transfer :( you just reminded me of that

8 grams dry sounds absolutely crazy @_@ lipa yai is supposed to be on the potent side and i hear most experienced shroomers say they eat around 5-6 grams dry for a strong trip

as far as my own garden i can see myself fruiting in the next 8-10 days. my substrates are already beginning to colonize on the surface

not going to case them. instead i'm going to go for 100% humidity FAE, casingless. most sourcess i read say that cubensis don't need a casing at all if you have good humidity

Case, in my opinion you are wasting your time otherwise. I know what shroomery and the other sites say but there is a dramatic difference.


Well-Known Member
Case, in my opinion you are wasting your time otherwise. I know what shroomery and the other sites say but there is a dramatic difference.
wasting time with casing? lemme know because im about to mix up some substrate tonight


Well-Known Member
everything i read on shroomery.org points to the fact that eating more than 1.5 or 2 grams dried (less than one eight), and being in anything less than a great setting (they all recommend outdoors, on a nice sunny day), is a one-way ticket to an awful trip
It doesn't have to be a nice sunny day. Sometimes I find the sun overwhelming when I trip, sometimes not. I've had my most enjoyable trips in cold, rainy or snowy weather even though I hate that kinda weather. In fact the only times I've tripped on shrooms was when I lived in MI, and the weather was mostly horrible there. Awesome times though. All the trees would watch me with their tree eyes, and I'd look into the ice and see kingdoms of little ice creatures. How much are you planning on eating?


Active Member
I have to agree about casing what the casing does in a larger type log is keep moisture in the log throughout flushing. If you case you should not have to dunk the log between flushes.You still need to patch where you pick and make sure that you didnot leave a piece of stem behind or it will rot and then those issues arise.On your next time around case and it will make it easier. Just because you didnt this time around is not a big deal but your yeild will not be as good. I know its your first time and theres a shitton to learn. I grow for weight or dry shrooms its supports my expensive taste for large cubic inch small block chevys. I have a 12K in a short block but its 602 cubes inside of an aftermarket small block chevy. That 12K is block,crank,rods,pistons,Jessel belt drive,bolts,ring and all the machine work.I am trying to put 800 naturally aspererated on the street. Imagine tripping at nite doing 140 mph while that motor is spinning at 8500rpm on a moonlit nite just hauling ass in the country.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't have to be a nice sunny day. Sometimes I find the sun overwhelming when I trip, sometimes not. I've had my most enjoyable trips in cold, rainy or snowy weather even though I hate that kinda weather. In fact the only times I've tripped on shrooms was when I lived in MI, and the weather was mostly horrible there. Awesome times though. All the trees would watch me with their tree eyes, and I'd look into the ice and see kingdoms of little ice creatures. How much are you planning on eating?
well it's going to be getting into fall by time mine are done so it will be a good time to go outside and trip i think

i am planning on eating about 2 grams of dried cubes for my first trip. see how it feels. possibly re-dose if i am feeling good.

i just do. not. want to have a bad trip. i hear a few accounts of bad trips on 3 or 3.5 grams, but almost no reports of bad first trips on 1.5-2.5 grams dried

i'm might pitch a tent in my backyard if the weather is good, make it comfey with some blankets and comforters and shit, and chill in there for my first trip.


Well-Known Member
Imagine tripping at nite doing 140 mph while that motor is spinning at 8500rpm on a moonlit nite just hauling ass in the country.
sounds really fucking dangerous dude. not just for you. :o

i mean... it has to be at least as distracting as being intoxicated


Well-Known Member
You don't have to be the driver :)

It's fun having a sober driver when you're tripping at night. It feels so weird in a car. My favorite time to do this is christmas with all the lights and stuffs. Never went 140mph... but I have drove an ATV through some trails on a high lsd dose in the middle of the night. Fun stuff watching the trees fly by you. And yes, I did wreck into a tree at one point. Only going about 5 mph, but felt like 100 :)


Well-Known Member
Never was a huge shroom fan. I liked my cid. Probably because the first time I ever did shrooms I ate a quarter (dry obviously)..... that night sucked. Didn't help my buddy got his ass jumped. Ive had bad trips before but this was just too intense. I got to the point where I had to turn the blacklights, christmas lights and ect off. I was laying in bed, fetal position with a beautifull but way too intense roller coaster ride of colors. Around peek I couldn't hold my piss any more... kicked on the bathroom light and about had a heart attack. I think my piss hit water maybe twice as i was swaying with the toilet.

Acid on the otherhand I could gobble a 10 stip of some black diamonds and have the time of my life.
This has been my experience as well. Also I've had more than a couple batches of shrooms make me puke hard. Never had that happen with good ole Lucy.