Just Curious if I'm a total psycho or if anyone else would get upset too?


Well-Known Member
I would hardly consider myself a troll. I may have a few troll like posts but I promise this thread is not a troll, it actually happened. And u wanna know sumptin else I bet most of u that think I was in the wrong r a bunch of preppy ass white people living in a very sheltered suburban white america. So make sure u hit up the Cracker Barrel on ur way home tonight.
<<<is a black lesbian pot smoking christian in case you forgot
(i think it is kaendar :eyesmoke:)



Well-Known Member
Maybe turned into a flame war but still, don't ask for opinions if you already feel one way too strongly.
Yes, to the OP's credit, he was flamed a bit which might explain why he got so angry. Still, to say most of us who disagreed with him are probably preppy suburban white kids that need to stop at Cracker Barrel (not sure if that's verbatim), is just... I don't know...reading that just makes me feel dumber.


Well-Known Member
You ask for our opinions and then get all defensive and insult those of us who don't agree with you?
I've only gotten defensive when attacked or insulted, like ummm someone calling me a chick. Only after that did I throw insults back, I only responded to others posts about what happened before that. I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me, that's the whole reason I posted here to get other opinions. But check it out until ppl started throwin insults at me I didn't insult anyone, except Big dude I almost beat up.

P.S I am not Kaendar!!


New Member
Just ignore them after they start doing that. Dunno why people have a hard time doing that here, it's easy. There's a certain point where they're just doing it to get an reaction out of you.


Well-Known Member
I think you are only a psycho if you continue to place yourself in a position to rely on the kindness/weirdness of psychos.
Break the chain


Well-Known Member
Eschew the yummy burrito.

Pimp-slap a lard ass.

Take the Shoe Leather Express.


Well played, OP.

Well played. :-P
I have to spread some rep around before hitting you again, but I tried for the Missing Persons video.