just got into a big fight with my gf


Well-Known Member
heres the story... i think its bullshit (sorry for the long post lol)

my gf has these friends, who r a couple. we'll call them dick and jane. he is literally a dick, and always yells at her for stupid shit. u know the type... basically an asshole for no reason.

tonight i go to pick my gf up, and hang out for a minute. their router on their comp stopped working. dick started yelling at jane, sayin its her fault becuz she downloads music using torrents. the gist of it was that the hard drive is so full, the router wouldnt connect to a network. stupid, right?

so i point it out to him that he shouldnt be yelling at her. i said that he does not know its her fault. he knows nothing about computers, and was venting on her becuz the router wouldnt work and hes frustrated. me and him get into it for a minute.

then my gf asks me if i want to go pick up weed for someone else in the house, and come drop it off. i said fuck that and left. she starts txting me saying i was rude to say anything, and it was 'their' argument. sure it was, but there was 6 other ppl in the room and he was YELLING at her. i felt the need to set the facts straight.

btw, i dont even like her friend jane. i think shes ignorant and stupid for staying with dick. he cheats on her all the time(even hiring prostitutes, one of which jane knows personally) and she doesnt seem to care. so me sticking up for her was kind of a big deal for me.

am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
nah man, i dont think you were wrong at all. if they wanted you to stay out of their argument then they shouldnt have argued in front of you. plus his argument makes no fuckin sense so i would have set him straight too.


Well-Known Member
I think you made a gentlemen move and might have jane be trying to sleep with you soon. even though the boyfriend is probably putting you down in front of everyone and telling your girlfriend that you are a shithead.... You definitely did the right thing and you shouldn't be stressed about anything.... and then for your girlfriend to try and ask you to run errands as you are already fixing a computer for her friends is just ridiculous. if anything the rudeness was on your girlfriend.... quit hanging out with crazy people bro. +rep for being a good guy
Man, it sucks that you have to go through shit like this in life, but I guess the good guy sometimes does finish last.
You did the right thing and I'm sure many of us in the same position would have reacted the same way.


Well-Known Member
nah man, i dont think you were wrong at all. if they wanted you to stay out of their argument then they shouldnt have argued in front of you. plus his argument makes no fuckin sense so i would have set him straight too.
thanks =D
they argue in front of ppl all the time haha. u know that kind of couple... lol

I think you made a gentlemen move and might have jane be trying to sleep with you soon. even though the boyfriend is probably putting you down in front of everyone and telling your girlfriend that you are a shithead.... You definitely did the right thing and you shouldn't be stressed about anything.... and then for your girlfriend to try and ask you to run errands as you are already fixing a computer for her friends is just ridiculous. if anything the rudeness was on your girlfriend.... quit hanging out with crazy people bro. +rep for being a good guy
i wasnt there to fix the comp, but i looked at it. its some usb router with a sim card. so its like a cell phone internet router thing. idk how the fuck those work haha

Man, it sucks that you have to go through shit like this in life, but I guess the good guy sometimes does finish last.
You did the right thing and I'm sure many of us in the same position would have reacted the same way.


Well-Known Member
Oh, lol. either way. you tried. that's all that matters :D haha. you're cool though.. so don't sweat it. and I guess it all depends on how much you really care about your girlfriend.


Pickle Queen
sorry but their idiots and you did the right thing! Why didn't your g/f stick up for her friend? honestly we ( my man and i ) don't argue in front of people, some stuff is private.
sounds like your women needs new friends. Maybe explain to your g/f that you don't like they way he treats his women and would prefer finding some people that you felt she was safe and happy around. Tell her you would never treat her like that and you feel you need to protect her friend because her man does not.
One thing i've learned in life is it's how and what you say to someone. Don't get angry let your women know this guy is not very nice, and it makes you uneasy when she's with them.


Well-Known Member
It was a joke...
oh >_> i was high at the time haha

sorry but their idiots and you did the right thing! Why didn't your g/f stick up for her friend? honestly we ( my man and i ) don't argue in front of people, some stuff is private.
sounds like your women needs new friends. Maybe explain to your g/f that you don't like they way he treats his women and would prefer finding some people that you felt she was safe and happy around. Tell her you would never treat her like that and you feel you need to protect her friend because her man does not.
One thing i've learned in life is it's how and what you say to someone. Don't get angry let your women know this guy is not very nice, and it makes you uneasy when she's with them.
thanks for the tips! ive been tryin to explain this all to her but i havent been able to explain it in a way she understands i guess


Well-Known Member
She's a woman.... She'll always think she's right. It's just up to you and how much it's worth it to let her think that.