Just got my first clones... Documenting my first attempt!


I just signed up on this forum because everyone seems so cool and helpful compared to a couple other places I looked.

I just got 6 OG clones that I'll be planting tomorrow in the backyard, right in the ground. I've been reading up and I'm hoping to be one of the few that succeeds teh first time out. (of course) I got soil with guano, castings, and everything else that the pages I've read suggest. I have a ph tester for water (wasn't sure just how necessary that was, but I got it. If you guys think it's a waste, I can return it.) I have earth juice bloom, grow, and catalyst. (I was told not to use these things for a couple weeks because the soil has so much good things in it.

Anyway, I figured I'd document it here and maybe get some tips along the way. I'm planting tomorrow. I started out by taking some pics of the clones and the backyard (which looks like a disaster, but could help hide these babies for awhile with the tall weeds and grass.)

Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated! Especially suggestions regarding transplanting them into the soil, which I'll be doing tomorrow. By the way, I'm in the hot san fernando valley in CA. So
while today it's a high of 75, it'll be hitting 110 soon I'm sure! Thanks in advance!

Here are the pics of the plants/yard.....



Well-Known Member
hehe aslong as you plant it near other green things it wont stand out :)
looks good bro make a grow journal so i can keep track of your grow :)

+++rep to you mate and all of you please rep back

share the love man ! :peace:


Okay, I've changed course on day 2...

The ground was REALLY REALLY hard about 6 inches deep, so we went and bought four 4 gallon pots, and two 7 gallon pots. I've named them all with my friend Samantha Parkington. We have Eve (because she was the first one out of the box,) Stalky (because she had a lot of stalks growing off the main stem and she was short,) Busty (She was very top heavy, with nothiing growing out the bottom of her stem,) Bunny (because it had a lot of babies growing out of it,) MJ (Maryjane was very average - we tried to come up with a very average name... one of us said Mary, the other said Jane so we combined them,) and lastly Teeny (she had a few teeny tiny leaves growing out of her stem.)

I used supersoil with some small rocks at the bottom for drainage. Then we put some organic soil at the top of each plant. We surrounded bunny with it as an experiment. The soil was mixed with water with a 6.5 ph level.

Here's the pic of them now. More to come... Any suggestions? Thanks!


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
looks good to me one thing that will probably happen is that there going to flower right away most dispensaries keep there clones under 18 to 24 hours of light so even though the days are 14 hours or more in sfv the plants will likely flower now unless they were vegged at 16 hours or less. your clones are a decent size so you will still get some yield. i had a few small clones of good genetics flower at 3 inches tall a total waste. one thing to do is start some seeds as they will not flower until around 12 hours of dark if there started now at 14 hours. anyways thought i would let you now about some of the light cycle issues i have run into so you can avoid the same mistakes i made then again maybe you will get lucky and your ogs will veg for a while so you get a good yield.


looks good to me one thing that will probably happen is that there going to flower right away most dispensaries keep there clones under 18 to 24 hours of light so even though the days are 14 hours or more in sfv the plants will likely flower now unless they were vegged at 16 hours or less. your clones are a decent size so you will still get some yield. i had a few small clones of good genetics flower at 3 inches tall a total waste. one thing to do is start some seeds as they will not flower until around 12 hours of dark if there started now at 14 hours. anyways thought i would let you now about some of the light cycle issues i have run into so you can avoid the same mistakes i made then again maybe you will get lucky and your ogs will veg for a while so you get a good yield.
Ahhhhh, so because they're so used to lots of constant light, they will start to flower because the days aren't long enough? Do you know of a good place to buy seeds in the sfv?

Also, are there any nutes that can prolong vegetation at this point so I can try to avoid premature flowering in the sun?

Thanks again!

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah its a real bitch i discovered this the hard way. they may not flower but it is likely they will. i will pm you with places to get seeds of og genetics.


It's been about a week and a half and I need some advice... I think they're looking pretty good, but I'm not sure about a couple of things. They are in 4 gallon and 7 gallon plastic planters. Will that be big enough for them to grow large and harvest nicely? Also, how do I get them to grow large before flowering? That would be best right? Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks a lot.... Here's the pics from today!


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
oh yeah if taken care of proper thats plenty of root space you should see what some pull from 16oz cups indoor. my tahoe og is reveging as of now so hopefully yours dont go through that at all the days are 14 or a little over i hope for your sake they just continue vegging.


Today has been EXACTLY 1 month from my first post on here. Wow, these have really gotten bigger. 1 in particular. For some reason, this one has gotten a lot bigger than the other 5. The others are looking okay too, just not as big as this one. They all started to flower... Should that be happening already? According to the plan I'm following, I'm going to keep giving them the grow nutrients for another week and a half and then start combining it with the bloom formula. Any suggestions or comments would be great...

I also germinated and planted 12 seeds. 9 started to grow. I'm keeping these far from my bigger 6 as to make sure the males don't interfere. Thanks for any suggestions or comments! Here are a few of the new pics!

This is the big one.... Some of the leaves are the size of my hand...

Here's a closer look at the big one... You can see the flowers starting to form...

Here's a couple of the smaller ones from the first 6...

And here are the small ones I started from seeds...


Today has been EXACTLY 1 month from my first post on here. Wow, these have really gotten bigger. 1 in particular. For some reason, this one has gotten a lot bigger than the other 5. The others are looking okay too, just not as big as this one. They all started to flower... Should that be happening already? According to the plan I'm following, I'm going to keep giving them the grow nutrients for another week and a half and then start combining it with the bloom formula. Any suggestions or comments would be great...

I also germinated and planted 12 seeds. 9 started to grow. I'm keeping these far from my bigger 6 as to make sure the males don't interfere. Thanks for any suggestions or comments! Here are a few of the new pics!

This is the big one.... Some of the leaves are the size of my hand...

Here's a closer look at the big one... You can see the flowers starting to form...

Here's a couple of the smaller ones from the first 6...

Better pic of the flowering top of a smaller one...

And here are the small ones I started from seeds...


so looks like some have begun flowering huh?

Yep... Think it's okay at this point? I'm going to give it the grow nutrients for another week and a half, then combine it with bloom for 2 weeks, then bloom by itself. (Following the youtube instructions agriculture 101 for marijuana)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
sounds good well we have both learned something about flowering outdoor in socal the hard way lol. anyways i started some seeds im vegging them to coincide with the normal hours im running them on 15 hours. so when i put them ouside at 14 or so it should be fine and they will flower on a natural cycle. its stupid dispensaries dont veg on shorter cycles for outdoor growers but oh well your in big ass pots of soil so yield will be good for you anyways peace.


Went on Vacation last weekend and wasn't able to water the plans for a couple days. They were looking okay, but now a couple are looking pretty bad on on side. They look great on the other side though. It's hotter in Socal now so just starting 2 days ago I started to water every day instead of every other day. The soil feels dry after 1 day. Here are pics of the bad side of the big plans and the good side of it. Is this because of the watering or something else? Is it dying? Thanks for your help!

Another one of the bad side of 2 plants... The big one is on the left.

Another bad leaf... Most are lower also...

The GOOD Side of the big plant....

One more healthier pic...

Think they'll be okay?


bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the majority of your plant looks fine when all the leaves start yellowing or drying out then worry. well both see how hot og can take in a month or so scary.