Just got my truffles, getting ready for 1st trip

since no ones asked... have you ever done shrooms before? they are the exact same thing, same active ingredieant and dry material....

Sclerotia (truffles...) have around 1/2 the active ingredient per capita when compaired to the mushrooms themselves. in terms of "commercial" mushrooms, Cubensis being the weakest, Tampanesis and Atlantis are around 2x as potent as cubes, and mexicana and Liberty caps are some of the most potent. 7.5g's of mexicana truffles will probably be compairable to 4-5g's of cubensis mushrooms. Theres another forum that has a TONNE of info on mushrooms and sclerotia, you can find it if you google shroom.

Peace be apon you, and may your trip guide you to a new light.
since no ones asked... have you ever done shrooms before? they are the exact same thing, same active ingredieant and dry material....

Sclerotia (truffles...) have around 1/2 the active ingredient per capita when compaired to the mushrooms themselves. in terms of "commercial" mushrooms, Cubensis being the weakest, Tampanesis and Atlantis are around 2x as potent as cubes, and mexicana and Liberty caps are some of the most potent. 7.5g's of mexicana truffles will probably be compairable to 4-5g's of cubensis mushrooms. Theres another forum that has a TONNE of info on mushrooms and sclerotia, you can find it if you google shroom.

Peace be apon you, and may your trip guide you to a new light.

No, were both 1st timers. been an hour, I cant stop smiling right now
I remember my face and jaw being sore the day after shrooming, from laughing too much. Never had a bad time on shrooms in my life.
No, were both 1st timers. been an hour, I cant stop smiling right now

And I will wager the thought of watching a movie gets more and more foreign by the moment. Hope you got the mexicana, to me they are the most true to the concept of teonanacatl (sp?) but.... duh, p. mexicana IS the original flesh of the gods. Still, there is something extra magical, almost a presence within the mexicana that is in no other mushroom I've had. I also am reminded of a friend from long ago. He knew how to speak this indian language and it flowed out of his mouth in the most beautiful fashion. He was in a far southern town in Mexico and had hitched a ride on the top of a bus. As so many have seen, the buses in regions of mexico will go anywhere, have possibly poor brakes, drunk drivers, and will take on as many riders as can fit - anywhere. He had taken mushrooms as was his practice and hitched that ride on the top of the bus along with all the cages of chickens and bicycles and boxes. The bus was makiing a long climb up a steep hill over looking a deep ravine. He noticed that the bus temporarily stopped before beginning to slowly reverse direction. It was only when he noticed people beginning to file out of the door of the bus that he became alarmed but didn't know what to do. According to his telling of it, he managed to step off the vehicle just as the top of the bus was even with the edge of that ravine and that the only one that caught the ride to the bottom of that deep and rocky precipice was the driver himself. Oh, and the chickens.

I don't know how true it is, but I love the images.
We both had a good time, and were both sore from laughing so much. Ill post a more detailed report tomorrow. were off to bed
I like watching movies tripping. I like theater though, so I appreciate the acting and everything that goes into the production. I love hiking and camping but I would prefer to shroom close by or in my home. I also believe that shrooms can be used much more than on rare occasions.
Although I remember last night clearly, Im having a little bit of trouble putting it into words:

To recap, We both had a sandwich for dinner and then ate the truffles about an hour later. The company we bought them from recommends taking the entire 15g of Mexicana, but we split it since it was our first time tripping.

We both felt a tingly kind of head buzz after about 30-40 minutes, followed by a very slight headache that was short lived. During this time I just felt... well... happy lol. She had a little bit of nausea, but it passed quickly. She also kept saying her arms felt heavy. Up until now we had been paying attention to the movie.

This is where keeping track of time gets hard. I would say that the giggle fits started about 15 minutes later. I had butterfly's like I was falling and all I could do was smile and laugh. I had no visuals at all but my perception of the space around me felt entirely different. For a few seconds it was frustrating because I wanted to explain this wonderful feeling to her, but when I opened my mouth I laughed. I tried to fight the laughter and it erupted out uncontrollably. This set her on a giggle fit and we spent the next what felt like half an hour cuddling and laughing on the couch. She did have some mild visuals during this time. Trailing hands, halos around lights, that sort of thing.

I stepped out on the back porch for some air, and the huge oak tree that's wrapped in ivy looked like it just kept going up the whole way to the moon. I went back in to get her and we both just stood under the tree looking up for a few minutes. This was bout 2.5 hours in and we were both starting to come down.

We put the other movie on and snuggled up on the couch and spent an hour trying to explain to each other what we experienced. Although the giggle fits were long over, I had a permanent smile on my face. Even now as I type this, I still feel a sense of content well being.

To sum it up, WOW what a wonderful experience! Ill never forget my first trip, cuddling and laughing on the couch.
I am shocked that you didn't get higher actually, but if you have now found a particular place in your life for that experience, then it is time to start growing your own. The bond alone will enhance the experience as anyone who has eaten the mushrooms they grew will be quick to tell you.
I like watching movies tripping. I like theater though, so I appreciate the acting and everything that goes into the production. I love hiking and camping but I would prefer to shroom close by or in my home. I also believe that shrooms can be used much more than on rare occasions.

To me it isn't about limiting yourself to rare occasions. It is about the experience, learning what is going on and talking to your subconscious. You find out rather you are on the right path or need to make an extreme change. Then take that new found knowledge and live your life.

I take them when I have questions about where I was and where I should be heading. <---- Sounds weird but shrooms have always been really spiritual to me.