Just Harvested White widow


from a friend who use to grow like 6 years ago.(old seeds) i grow medical now thanks to california. so yeah they were about 4 and a half feet tall not includeing the pots. and smell bad ass. i harvested by the crystals and should be some one hitter quiter :D

ive got 5 clones about a foot tall of those ladies aswell that are big bushes now sec ill take a pic.........DSCF1001.JPG


they went through veg with 11 hours of sun and cfls/floresent the rest of the time on a 18/24 cycle for flower i used a 400 w hps first 3 weeks of flower they got 11 hrs sun last 8 weeks they spent 90% of there time under the hps.

i had 3 plants. still no guesses on yeild? ^^

pic of one harvest day!

60 days seedling/Veg
11 weeks flower



12.8 ounces my next grow im stepping it up to 1800 watts of HPS this grow only had 400. not bad though! Potent stuff.


Well-Known Member
Is that 12.8oz after 3 days drying?
I only ask cause on 6/21 your post said just harvested.
on 6/24 you say 12.8, just wondering, have they been drying longer than
3 days? Impressive harvest for 3 plants if so.
The one pic looks like a nice big plant.
I'm also interested because i just moved to a 400w hps and plan
on a 3 to 6 plant perpetual grow.
Good job, very nice harvest.


well your right i did post just harvested but in fact that was day 4 of drying. they took 6 days to dry and were cureing for 3 days before i weighed them, so 9 days after harvest. but yeah i have a 1000 w sun system now and 2 400 watts aswell.


Well-Known Member
Looks good! The nugs are great sized for the lights. Check my grow journal for pictures of recently harvested WW under the 1000w'ers that your going to get. Each WW plant yielded 4 ounces dry, so based on your conditions I'd guess you have about 3/4lb there when dried fully and snipped off the branches.