Just not enough


Well-Known Member
Bullshit, that's not the whole story. You forgot that the employer has to match the 6.2% not to mention the medicare tax and the employers deposit schedule and other things. I don't think we need to give
a business class but the point is that the employers don't just pay the 6.2% you stated it is actualy 12.4% just for the payroll tax if the number you are using is correct.
Hey dipshit. I'm going to walk you though this one time.

A year ago, employers paid 6.2% and employees paid 6.2% to make a total pay roll payment of 12.4%. Half paid by the employer and half taken out of the pay checks of employees.

Obama passed a 2% payroll tax cut to only employees so today employees pay 4.2% and employers still pay 6.2%. You with me?

Last night Obama laid out his plan that would further cut the employee's pay roll tax to 3.1% AND cut employer's pay roll tax to 3.1%.

Got it?

Jack Fate

New Member
Yes, because you saying that makes it so. Just like Ron Paul's pipe dreams. Lot of fluff and nonsense and very little substance.
26 reporters in the press section. When a President speaks to a joint session there are 90. That has nothing to do with Ron Paul or what I think. You can figure that out all by yourself.


Well-Known Member
26 reporters in the press section. When a President speaks to a joint session there are 90. That has nothing to do with Ron Paul or what I thing. You can figure that out all by yourself.
It really doesn't matter how many reporters were there... I mean, you could just watch the recorded speech and then write the article... SO HARD!


Well-Known Member
Hey, how about Obama start making real cuts, I don't know, say the $900 billion annually spent on on wars overseas. Shoot you could kep those tropps employed here and still cut like $250 - $300 billion annually.
jon kyl (r-az) threatened to walk out of meeting with the super committee (the ones tasked with finding $2 trillion to cut) if any cuts were made to defense spending.

your rage is misplaced.


Well-Known Member
jon kyl (r-az) threatened to walk out of meeting with the super committee (the ones tasked with finding $2 trillion to cut) if any cuts were made to defense spending.

your rage is misplaced.
Careful with those facts you're wielding, they get in the way of the giant red death beam aimed at Obama's face


Well-Known Member
Remember Pelosi "well you have to pass it so you can see what's in it."
remember the other part of that line, the part that fox news did not show you?

"away from the fog of controversy"

in other words, she was rightly pointing out that certain people were intentionally muddying the water. kinda like you just tried to by rehashing one of the most obvious edits done for the sole purpose of muddying the water.

congrats, you are exactly the demographic rupert and friends wants: easily duped foot soldier in the disinformation war.


Well-Known Member
As it stands now it is an EMPLOYEE tax cut only (no relief to buniness), last time I checked employees do not create jobs.

How about we repatriate $1 Trillion + in offshore corp profits and jobs?
god gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.

if you had employed those ears, you would have heard that obama wants the payroll tax cut extended to employers as well.


i don't even have to try, you just make yourself look bad.

Jack Fate

New Member
It really doesn't matter how many reporters were there... I mean, you could just watch the recorded speech and then write the article... SO HARD!
Yes, it does matter. You can believe what you like, but the truth is the truth.


Well-Known Member
Did you hear the part where this plan will be paid for without adding to the budget? The costs will be offset with spending cuts. If you people would put your irrational hatred on hold for a day or two you might have a better understanding of what was proposed. Ignorance is the root of all your frustration.
That is the biggest lie I have heard today
anyone who believes things like this is retarded

Jack Fate

New Member
remember the other part of that line, the part that fox news did not show you?

"away from the fog of controversy"

in other words, she was rightly pointing out that certain people were intentionally muddying the water. kinda like you just tried to by rehashing one of the most obvious edits done for the sole purpose of muddying the water.

congrats, you are exactly the demographic rupert and friends wants: easily duped foot soldier in the disinformation war.
Fox news is not responsible for Obama being a failure. Try again.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, there you go with this bullshit again. It might be plauseable if the whole country was TEXAS but it is not. Try not to hang your hat on just one of the states to make your decision. By the way that study has no way to track all the cash labor and other things that come into play and where that cash goes. I can tell you for a fact that I know several documented aliens and they put a little in just enough to get by and they live in groups to minimize the cost of living and send their money back home. After a few years of doing this many of them will leave and not come back because they have sent enough home to build a nice home and bank account.
they earned that money and they are doing what they please with it. because it is THEIRS.

are you saying they are not allowed to spend the money they earn as they best see fit?


Well-Known Member
They are here illegally. Why do you allow that?
a better question is, how do we stop it?

a fence? HA! no matter how tall they build a fence, something tells me someone will invent something called a "ladder" that is slightly taller.

hlf of all illegals enter legally, anyway.

besides, you are just trying to dance around the original question by changing the subject. so answer me: are people not allowed to spend their own money as they see fit? or do they have to get captain jack's special approval first?



Active Member
they earned that money and they are doing what they please with it. because it is THEIRS.

are you saying they are not allowed to spend the money they earn as they best see fit?
No, what I am saying is they are here illegaly which is the key word "ILLEGAL" and they are being paid wages that under normal circumstances would stay here in entirety to facilitate healthy local economy. You know exactly what I am saying but like most other threads you get involved in you like to make assumptions and stir shit, I am ready if you want to go there as usual.

hlf of all illegals enter legally, anyway.
That's funny, if they are illegals that would imply that they entered illegally right. Quit mixing words and starting shit like you always do. Now if you are speaking of documented aliens with a work visa then he is here under legal pretense but that does not make him subject to this dialogue.


Well-Known Member
They are here illegally. Why do you allow that?
<Dave mutters to self..."I swear I must be speaking a foreign language.">
Whether UB, you, or I allow it is immaterial. It is our "illustrious" elected officials who are allowing it to occur and actually promoting it. Everything is not what it seems on TV. If you think a senator/representative from a large agricultural/meat producing state or region who has had his or her coffers filled by Smithfield, Cargill, ConAgra is going to do anything to curtail the ACTIVE RECRUITMENT AND HIRING of illegal aliens, then you are mistaken.

Until that changes....nothing changes....PERIOD!


Well-Known Member
That's funny, if they are illegals that would imply that they entered illegally right.

apparently, no one has ever overstayed a visa in your world, yet somehow you consider yourself so qualified on this subject.

just sad.


Well-Known Member
Did you know that there is a difference between entering this country illegally and being in this country illegally?

One is a crime. The other is not. Seriously. Not saying I agree with it but that's the way it is.