Just placed order at the TUDE....


Active Member
1..5 La Diva Autos...2..3 SAD Autos from sweet seeds and 3 CC autos from sweet seeds as well...Got 2 La Diva autos for free so 7 of them all together, and i asked them to give me Paradise Seeds vertigo Autos for my freebies as they are giving Paradise seeds away for there frrebies right now and i dont want any NON-Autos...Gonna do a big Auto run before christmas and move right after..Was gonna move now but i wont be able to get home for christmas and ive spent to many alone already dont really wanna do it again..But any ways give me some info on these strains if u have grown them or seen some done..:peace::hump:..lol


Well-Known Member
Might want to try asking in the seeds and strain review section, more growers check that area out.:leaf: