Just read this in the Philly Inquirer


Well-Known Member
If any of you people have a home alarm system and your growing weed you may want to reconsider your illeagal activities.In yesterdays edition i read on how a couple in Berks county were busted when they were on vacation and ther alarm was tripped and quess who showed up??You quessed it.:spew:The cops.They were arrested for growing 5 pot plants.He and his wife spent time in jail and were just sentenced to 1 year of probation and loss of his drivers license:confused:.His wife got 30 days probation,and not only that.This overzealous prosecutors:spew: "Mark Baldwin" filed a motion to confiscate their home.What a dick head.If u are growing weed disconnect your alarm system or dont grow in your home.


Well-Known Member
Nope.Under Pa laws,The pigs can seize property in connection w/a drug felony arrest.


Well-Known Member
I live in FLA. They can't take your home here. I think disconnecting a device that calls pigs to your grow room would be a fairly obvious thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ, no offence but america is fuckin rediculous, i used to hate america, then i became open minded and decided to see the good, but yo, shit like that makes me hate it, ya gotta fuck up a persons entire life for having something thats completely natural and grown from the earth, i mean i've read about people who get jailed for a friggin roach, my fathers ex wife had a cousin who was in jail for life because he had half a joint on him, i mean cme the fuck on. Its rediculous, and by the way, i don't hate american ppl, i just mean the government and the way they make the world view them


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is ridiculous.S'times pot smokers & growers do more time in jail then people who commit real crimes.In the sane paper on the same day i read @ a man who had child porn on his computer and was fucking little kids got 2 1/2 years in prison.


Well-Known Member
America needs to be split in to country's !

its to big for 1 president !


Well-Known Member
how the fuck? i thought only the fed has seizure laws
Nope,every state has their own set of forfiture laws,where im at they take your car for picking up a hooker,you can bet your ass they are comming after everything you have for 5 plants.

When you get out of jail on bond you'll come home to an empty house with a seizure notice on the door,they take everything while your locked up,i got out with the clothes on my back & $450 to my name,they got my car,truck,2 harley's,motorhome,bank accounts ect, everything was seized & sold at discount prices.

I'd let my home owners insurance lapse & pay a crack head to burn my house down to the ground before i let them take another home from me,fuck them peices of shit,on paper i own very little,i learned the first time to put everything in a family members name cause their comming after it all.

I wouldnt grow a tomatoe plant in my home ever again.


Well-Known Member
You know, a verse in the bible says that those who persecute the inocent for rightful use of gods herb will be cast to hell, not those exact words but pretty close...and i hate it, they leave you smoke cigs that SAY ON THEM THAT THEY CAN KILL YOU, and then the ppl who die in drunk driver accidents is up in the thousands every year but then....they outlaw a perfectly safe plant...bastards