Just talked to my Landlord


Active Member
way to dodge the question again.

there's a reason why you are a white separatist, and it's not because you think white people are inferior.

i'll also point out how you tried to defend a holocaust denier. even after i posted the definition multiple times for you, you still said someone who was implying that the holocaust was a jewish conspiracy with exaggerated and false death tolls was not a holocaust denier.

you are a special kind of stupid, my friend. you should probably crawl away and try your hand under a new sock puppet.
Ok buck you win. Your reasoning is far superior to mine. I should allow you to separate me from your group.


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck you guys took this thread on Jerry Springer. OP, I would pass on the deal. Work until you can build up enough capital to expand on your own. The more people involved the more the odds favor failure. Everyone else needs to burn one and mellow. You guys probably hang out at the same bar and don't even realize it.


Active Member
sounds like your landlord likes money. Pretty sure she sees an ironclad way to get here rent every month...except we all know in the know there is nothing ironclad about it from start to finish. Go for it if she's really hip to how it works I guess but I get the feeling she thinks there is SO much money in it that rent is a little old thing your rich growing ass wouldn't have to worry about paying for on the monthly in cash (probably another of her thoughts; avoiding uncle sam herself with cash and bullshit). don't listen to what she knows but listen for the shit she don't know and you'll see all your problems ahead of time.
This is so gangster. I love this paragraph.

Don't grow weed for money .. it becomes a shitty job just like anything else.