Just Thought I'd Throw Up Some Pics of Where I'm at Right Now


Well-Known Member
high mah

Ibob is post 6529
i dont know him

thanks for the happy fathers day wishes
i can understand pac my pops was a terd i had perfect roll model - just be the oposite was the road to a succesful dad

yeah i like both fabric and air pots and still use plastic sumtimes

i hope all had a fine daddy day


Well-Known Member

i do dis erry day 3 to 4 timres a day

sty real


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I cannot read any of these posts because of the avatar, cannot seem to focus on the words. :shock:


Well-Known Member
sorry mr bum
dat you cant focuss
on the two things at once
at least you got yo priortys straight


i had sumkinda problem going on
a deff of sum sort seemed to have affwcted two da same other two differently

all is under controll now
maybe calc or mag not sure

my two older kids had been in stretched stoped and put back into veg
now i have a question on return to flower are they gona stretch again ???


Well-Known Member
IMG_5122.jpgIMG_5125.jpgIMG_5124.jpgBubba Cheese cross by a friend CGG
we are recooping from topng and sum kind of deff is almost over all four suffered differently

IMG_5128.jpgIMG_5129.jpgIMG_5131.jpgBubba Cougeer by Bill both her and other bubba cross was put in at 4 weeks to sex then taken out after sexed and just put baack in is 8.3 weeks - i hope is done with stretcing

IMG_5132.jpgIMG_5133.jpgIMG_5134.jpgClockwork Orange by Riot seeds i think it had the worst go at whutever the problem was - im sure glad im not in a leafe growing compatition i grow for buds

IMG_5130.jpgIMG_5126.jpgIMG_5127.jpgWhite by OG Raskel i think it weathered the best
all will be fine in a few



Well-Known Member
IMG_5150.jpgIMG_5151.jpgseeds from Peyote Purple x Bubba = Urple Ubba Kush / Kosher Kush X Bubba = Ko Bu Ku



the pic up loader is a nightmare mixes the pics up and is to much to fix so we now have random pics of PP and KK enjoy


Well-Known Member
yeah a waste of time to start smokin before
one week dry time - in diff combanations hang,bag, and jar
an at leat 2 weeks of cure

to get close to the peak of whut da smoke has to offer


Well-Known Member
kinda makes you wonder who sum of da complainers could be

a real man dat dont like booty - i dont think so

i was told as she walked one could see the Pus
i tried to for a long time saw nuttin but darkness
maybe if useing a magnifying glass or sumtin baybe

she is back on da disk now i wish was on my di_k

hay stay up always an oppressor
sum harmless sum not



Active Member
Have you harvested that clockwork orange before? If so, how was it? I always got the impression that anything from matt riot would be garbage.


Well-Known Member
kinda had bad feelings on him not justfied
read a few reviews an decided to seee for self
my first run of his gear

gave me a few chem d x bubbas as freebees

i go into each day positive though i sumtimes get spined around



Well-Known Member
only thing worse then trimming has to be collecting seeds
thats a effin fact! a good sativa racy high helps me out when i pick for beans. it time consuming.

buds looking primo boss!

as far as the bubba cougar, mine stretched a lot. they smell like cheese doddles when they flower. its the cheesiest thing i ever grew. u wont be disappointed at all with them. r those the f1s or f2s? hope all is well in the garden state bro.



Well-Known Member
yeah frisking buds to see if day holdin beans is a slow night

had a set back wit plants on track now not sure if it was cal or mag

im lookin at bub coug is lanky and buds erry where
verses bub cheeses more short an stocky very thick stalk an very few bud sights

time will tell

hope all is well
for you an yours

things are in cruse controll here
just sailing along but smoothly


Well-Known Member
good to hear D. i am hoping to get bc over my house, i miss that fucker. it was a lanky grow, i will see if i can fishout some pics of it. chaka just harvest some last month


Well-Known Member
Here is the one I grew 12/12 from seed. It stretches and is lanky but the smoke and high were simply amazing! I dont have any more F1s, thats why I am happy I got hundreds of F2s to play with. I got 3 vegging indoor right now and I have 5 of them vegging outdoor too. I miss that bud, thats why I got a lot of them growing now, trying to find a mom.

Pre98 x Cougar



Well-Known Member
thanks for givin me a look im almost sure i have f1

is there much diff in f1-2- 3

they become stable at f4
but have heard many say f3

how is BC have not heard from him in a minuet