Justin Trudeau: ‘The Iraq fiasco haunts choices’

People are just human, when a quick buck can be made, many will dump their morals to make an easy buck
And the government agencies are the ones in the best positions to be able to make that quick buck, while also concealing their actions through multiple avenues.
i gotta wonder... if ISIS went around rounding up their enemies and executing them as humanely as possible, would the rest of the world be so upset by it?

"...well, you know... they gave them shelter and hot meals for a few weeks before giving them a choice between nembutal and a rusty saw..."

I think we need to stop focusing on the Degree of their violence, and start focusing on Why the violence is occurring. Method of killing is less important than motive.

By comparison, i'm sure some people will take that "cops are terrorists" statement and think something like "oh, that's not nearly as bad! how is it even comparable?"

But how much suffering occurs during a beheading, versus spending 2+ decades forcibly confined? And how does a beheading compare to having your home invaded and being murdered by "authorities," for such an absurd reason?

I say they are equivalent, despite the disparity in the methods used... and police have killed and/or ruined FAR more lives than ISIS, and for similarly absurd and unacceptable motives.

The terrorists are already here. They've been running things for a long time already. They're just not as deliberately shocking and brutal and primitive with their methods... although their cruelty knows no bounds.
All that sounds like hiding your head in the sand. And if you think a local cop bears any resemblance to an hardcore isis fighter, then I gotta chuckle on that idea. I don't like cops much, but I;ll take being arrested by local cops than isis. That's a no brainer.
All that sounds like hiding your head in the sand. And if you think a local cop bears any resemblance to an hardcore isis fighter, then I gotta chuckle on that idea. I don't like cops much, but I;ll take being arrested by local cops than isis. That's a no brainer.
So you would submit to injustice because it's less barbaric, but then want to say my interpretation sounds like "hiding my head in the sand."

Most cops are willing to commit injustice for a paycheck. Most cops are willing to take a life "just doing my job" and "the law is the law." Essentially, they are killing for an irrational and unjustifiable ideology, because paycheck and benefits (and many would argue, because the lust for power, and to feel important).

They might not be hacking off heads and doing "crazy horse eyes" into the camera... but have you seen the millions of lives unjustly violated by enforcement personnel? Sometimes you don't get a choice to submit quietly to tyranny; they just kill you and say you were a criminal, and the judge is paid to agree with them and call it "justified, because duty to enforcing law, no matter what it says, or whether it's right").

Of course, not ALL enforcers gladly impose injustice... but those who refuse, will ultimately lose their jobs at some point, for refusing to enforce any unjust law.

It is in fact quite similar.
Listen man, we're not talking about your snivelling little grievances with local cops or injustice in Canada here. This makes your petty issues with our society looks like a Sunday at your gramma's
I feel the same way about things here as you do..sorta. But my friend you ain't seen nothing like these ass holes.
You speak of a judge and I assume a trial. Well see if the isis boys give a trial..oh they will...it's last about five minutes.
Sorry but going on about injustice here by our cops blah blah blah isn't even the same subject.
But I will say I respect your right to feel the way you do...that's only polite
Notice how all US executions are private, no cameras-pictures are allow what so ever. Least you can say the ISIS doesn't go hiding what they are doing and it doesn't take them 30 mins to kill a person.

We got "Freedom of the Press" in the USA yet we don't get to see pictures of lots of stuff. Even pictures of the coffins of US service personal coming back from the Middle East were banned from the press.

The media is controlled in the USA, yeah its more open then say China but I would say Canada covers more stuff and shows more pictures of whats happening. When it comes to crime Canada press is more restricted but thats only to make it more fair for the people who are being charged with a crime. (kind of how it should be).

Yeah I would love to see all the heroin being stopped, maybe it is used to control some of the people but gee, that Ebloa guy in Texas, that happen cause people were dumb, the hospital sent him back home thinking it was just the flu. Border guards can be pretty dumb as well and I'm not sure if when service members if they too have to go through customs, likely not ! Who checks all the tanks and other stuff coming back for drugs ? Likely nobody, after all its our "heroes" coming back from the war, they would never ever smuggle drugs back with them, LOL
Hey what ever happen to those Canada cops who would pick up First Nation people and drop them off in the dead of winter 30 miles from town and let them freeze to death trying to walk back in to town. I recall CBC news covering the story 10--15 years ago. It was pretty long ago, I forgetting many of a details. Just that the cops would pick up a person and drive them way out of the city and push them out of the car...it only made the news cause one time a person was able to make it back in to town, ha ha ha, and told the press what had happen.

That is pretty mean, I can see why some dislike the police so much
Listen man, we're not talking about your snivelling little grievances with local cops or injustice in Canada here. This makes your petty issues with our society looks like a Sunday at your gramma's
I feel the same way about things here as you do..sorta. But my friend you ain't seen nothing like these ass holes.
You speak of a judge and I assume a trial. Well see if the isis boys give a trial..oh they will...it's last about five minutes.
Sorry but going on about injustice here by our cops blah blah blah isn't even the same subject.
But I will say I respect your right to feel the way you do...that's only polite
Dude... fuck you. You are an idiot.
And the government agencies are the ones in the best positions to be able to make that quick buck, while also concealing their actions through multiple avenues.

U know the worst a drug/crime problem becomes, the more funding the police gets to fight back. So its like the police have a reason to allow crime/drugs get out of hand, it gives them more work to do. If they policed us perfectly, there would be less need for them, lol

Maybe its both, just like not all service members are good, not all cops are good either. I'm all for body cameras and tamper proof and ones the cops can not turn off. Least Obama is pushing for them, U don't see Harper saying cops should wear them
It's just to bad Steveo doesn't have a kid to send over. That'd make him think twice...you can bet on that.

There are FAR MORE atrocities in this world than these ISIL idiots are up to, that we could help by not going to war.
This addition to the "business of war " is what Harper is about.
people in exchange for wealth.

He does, but we'd all be fools to think that would ever happen.
Same topic, don't know if you've come across this

Yes, watched it the other night.
Think this is only an American issue folks?...Think again. While consulting with a lawyer about a non profit patient coop concept, the lawyer warned me that this was the single biggest threat.
Good men will have to die to put down evil. Always been that way. Always will......who is the only question.
And what's your tolerance to watching humans being slaughtered like mere animals. This is what we need to all ask of ourselves. If you don't know........... watch a few of isis video's of mass murder in HD ....purely disgusting and time to act....again.
Also, be prepared for this to come to a mall near you. Any day .
Hence why the population should be armed in theory. Hopefully protecting ourselves won't be necessary...but then again. Look at that guy who plugged that fucker who beheaded the lady in the US last week. If that guy wasn't there with a hand gun more folks would be missing their heads. Even the fuzz agreed on that issue. If terrorist start showing up in our town and cities will the cops be every where...or at Timmies
Arm up folks...............already done here. .
Try stopping someone with a long rifle empty handed......doesn't go well usually. Almost any weapon really. What would you do almost empty handed against an axe, shovel, bat, metal bar, chainsaw, car, pitch fork, propane torch.........ya see all easy stuff to get and a cheap effective weapon if folks are unarmed...sad eh?
So better do something now with the SOB's over there than right here. At least less trouble anyway.

You've drank the kool aid
it means politics breeds division, turns neighbors into enemies

fortunately in Canada we don't take politics too seriously
Dude... fuck you. You are an idiot.
Okay ....you want politeness down the tube...ya I can do that.
First ya stupid fuckin shit, it's a thread about Iraq and the problem over there. And about us helping or not. Read the title...again ya gold medal moron. Your the one who morphed it into loosing civil liberties here in Canada. And the cops here being oppressive and over bearing. We probably agree on that. It just that I was smart enough to stick to the subject. Two separate subjects ass hat. So don't call the kettle black when apparently reading is an issue for ya.
I didn't say your words were wrong...just not what we were talking about......punk.
Now who's the idiot? 21.jpg
Which means ??

Which means you're watching too much FOX News channel. You sound like George fucking Bush. Living in fear of some perceived threat hunkering down in your bunker with your pitchfork and your canned goods. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning twice in the same day than having jihadis show up in your town and start beheading a bunch of Canucks.

So there is already an advanced military team there.
Harper doesn't show up for the debate.
This vote is a farce.
Lets be honest, 6 cf18s and a refueling plane is not a significant factor, it's a waste of money.
Within a month we will be told that troops are required on the ground.
Many want troops on the ground now..its Obama thats holding things back.

Who knows how real the threat really is, I know one thing, I would not go wearing an American flag T shirt over there, ha ha ha. IMO, they have good reason to hate some of us, the problem is, not all of us were for that "war on terror". I hope the ISIS understands that.

What ever happen over in HK yesterday, were the streets finally cleared and businesses opened? I never seen any news about that? How come we seem to care more about places with lots of oil in the ground and less about people protesting their country ?

Nobody in Iraq were protesting yet we went in to "save those people"