i gotta wonder... if ISIS went around rounding up their enemies and executing them as humanely as possible, would the rest of the world be so upset by it?
"...well, you know... they gave them shelter and hot meals for a few weeks before giving them a choice between nembutal and a rusty saw..."
I think we need to stop focusing on the Degree of their violence, and start focusing on Why the violence is occurring. Method of killing is less important than motive.
By comparison, i'm sure some people will take that "cops are terrorists" statement and think something like "oh, that's not nearly as bad! how is it even comparable?"
But how much suffering occurs during a beheading, versus spending 2+ decades forcibly confined? And how does a beheading compare to having your home invaded and being murdered by "authorities," for such an absurd reason?
I say they are equivalent, despite the disparity in the methods used... and police have killed and/or ruined FAR more lives than ISIS, and for similarly absurd and unacceptable motives.
The terrorists are already here. They've been running things for a long time already. They're just not as deliberately shocking and brutal and primitive with their methods... although their cruelty knows no bounds.