K1's OG Kush BETA run/Elite tester beans/Creating an army of mother plants!!!

Damn just checking in man. K1 u got me excited about growing again dude nice.
Hope everything is gong good man.Been thinking about starting a new J myself.
That Sour Banana does sound bonkers.
Peace bro.Ill hit u with my J link whenever i start it up.
Sounds good do. Lemme know whenever you get that goin, n I'll drop on by.

--sorry again for being a little late with the update, I'm having a little snafu with my other garden, n have to take care of a spider mite problem. I made a couple of different teas, one garlic n one cinnamon, to try n stop the little fuckers, but in the end I broke down n am on my way to the dro shop to pick up some Doctor Doom fogger bombs, which will eliminate the bastards from exsistence. Once I take care of that, tonight I'll be back with an update for you guys.

There's some amazing root growth goin on man. Everytime I start new plants, it never ceases to amaze me, watching them grow on the road to maturity. Still not quite ready to top, but by next week they will be, n I'll have them split up into two seperate containers so they have room to stretch their limbs.

Full report tonight.

Had to roll out to vegas, my uncle died. Sorry for an update-less week. I'll be Back in a little over a week, n I'll make it up to you guys don't worry ;) -- I topped them right before I took off so there should be a big surprise when I get back. My sis is holdin down the fort while I'm gone.

Elite man, u gotta show me how to post pics on your site when I get back Lol.
I must be a retardor something.

Talk soon guys,
havent heard from KINGSPADE in a bit i think he got pinched when elite did!! elite had to have his mailing addy...i hope im wrong but he stoped posting at the same time..
Kingspade did not get pinched, he's just been busy with some shit. When did elite get busted?

thats good to hear...he got busted about 2 or 3 months back, theres a thread about it on here and on other sites. lets hope he didnt have a list of addys at his house...:sad:
Nah didn't get pinched at all man, just had some things goin on n had to scale back on some things n shut down for a bit. Workin my way back up the ladder ATM tho, n still have elites genetics goin as we speak, although there's only a couple ladies left. The majority of them were actually male n I ended up with around 5 fens from the batch. So I let them go for a couple months before pulling the trigger n I think I'll be abl to make up for some lost time. Soon as these are just a little further along, I'm gonna start up a fresh big ole batch of some N. Soul n Kandy Kush fems I bought not too long ago.

I ain't posting pics right now, n I ain't gonna be on much for the moment, but I just wanted you guys to know I'm still here n workin my way back to where I need to be. Being careful
is my #1 concern at the moment, but I'll always
come back here cuz it's my fuckin home. This is where I got shit tons of knowledge dropped on me, and this is where I've made some pretty outstanding friends and associates. RIU will absolutely always have a place in my heart and I'll never stay away for too long ;)

i absolutely gotta stay descreet for now. I heard about elite a little while back and just wanna keep things as low key as possible for now.... Even tho u know that as soon as this last batch of elite genes is finished I'll be posting up some porn for you folk as always :) - I haven't had shit to show off since I left man, some fucked up shit went down n I don't wanna get into it.

Anyways, I'll keep in touch, just pm me n I'll get back to every one of you guys as soon as I can.

I love all youz guys n gals.

guess ima bit late on this 1. i didnt get hip to elite til after his unfortunate event, so sad! hope all goes well with u tho dude and u get back up n runnin.