Nah didn't get pinched at all man, just had some things goin on n had to scale back on some things n shut down for a bit. Workin my way back up the ladder ATM tho, n still have elites genetics goin as we speak, although there's only a couple ladies left. The majority of them were actually male n I ended up with around 5 fens from the batch. So I let them go for a couple months before pulling the trigger n I think I'll be abl to make up for some lost time. Soon as these are just a little further along, I'm gonna start up a fresh big ole batch of some N. Soul n Kandy Kush fems I bought not too long ago.
I ain't posting pics right now, n I ain't gonna be on much for the moment, but I just wanted you guys to know I'm still here n workin my way back to where I need to be. Being careful
is my #1 concern at the moment, but I'll always
come back here cuz it's my fuckin home. This is where I got shit tons of knowledge dropped on me, and this is where I've made some pretty outstanding friends and associates. RIU will absolutely always have a place in my heart and I'll never stay away for too long
i absolutely gotta stay descreet for now. I heard about elite a little while back and just wanna keep things as low key as possible for now.... Even tho u know that as soon as this last batch of elite genes is finished I'll be posting up some porn for you folk as always

- I haven't had shit to show off since I left man, some fucked up shit went down n I don't wanna get into it.
Anyways, I'll keep in touch, just pm me n I'll get back to every one of you guys as soon as I can.
I love all youz guys n gals.