K21701's Hempy Bucket Grow..Royal Queen Seeds Special Kush & Bubblelicious Auto


Dime size hole is to big....I used a 7/16th drill bit

They are on 12/12 as Queenie is a photo girl and Bubbles is an auto that refused to flower. Next grow will be all autos and they will be on 20/4 from seed to harvest.

Mix all nutes in a gallon jug....

water in one spot until it starts to run out the hole.

You need to lift the buckets...if they feel light then water....may be every 4 days may be sooner. Nutes every other feeding... Right now 3 plants use a gallon of water daily.


Doing what?
sorry I am confused here, i know by reading this you are so mad and want to kill me ;P

when you said 12/12 what does that mean?
i was like 12h in 12 days? then i saw the 20/4 is that 20h in for days?

one more thing, sorry :/
when you said
Nutes every other feeding... Right now 3 plants use a gallon of water daily.
what did you mean, i though when you nut a plant you are feed it, and what you water them with 1 gallon everyday?? whatttt

anyone, thanks again, is that like the 4th time?
tyty ;*


Active Member
when you said 12/12 what does that mean?
Lights on 12 hours and off the other 12= 24 hours= 1 day
Photoperiod plants...veg on 18/6 and when you want them to flower you switch them to 12/12
Auto plants are 20/4 for their entire life

what did you mean, i though when you nut a plant you are feed it, and what you water them with 1 gallon everyday??
What I mean is My 3 plants drink a gallon of LIQUID a day(that is 1/3 of a gallon each) whether it be mixed with nutes or just plain ph'd water....1 day water with nutes added the next day just water.


Well-Known Member
Well here's my thoughts on that...it is always better to under feed than over. When I transplant my seedlings they usually do not get fed until they have 3-4 sets of true leaves. Osmocote has to be mixed in with the perlite and I do not want to risk killing my young seedling with to much fertilizer....
thanks again k2 i will work that out got to get recertified so am heading to city so am hoping to have enough after the doctor takes his pile to pick up buckets


Active Member
Morning Photo Update​

Morning all...:D

The girls are looking extra good this morning...noticed some of their pistols are starting to change color!!! :fire:

The Queen


Violet and Trixie...Purple Jems

Well off to get ready for work...another day another dollar!!!

Dick Moser

Active Member
hate to say it but it kinda looks like moss growing in the medium on one of the jems???? and mabye slight signs of nute burn on the tips on the queen??? although that could be the def you where talking about before...looking so damn good...mind if i ask for a profile view of the queen??? a peak under that green skirt shes holding up so proudly :) 1000% A+ love on the ladies.... sold me steady on doing hempy down the road. thanks for the info and the patients :)


Active Member
hate to say it but it kinda looks like moss growing in the medium on one of the jems???? and mabye slight signs of nute burn on the tips on the queen??? although that could be the def you where talking about before...looking so damn good...mind if i ask for a profile view of the queen??? a peak under that green skirt shes holding up so proudly :) 1000% A+ love on the ladies.... sold me steady on doing hempy down the road. thanks for the info and the patients :)
Second pic from the top is a profile of the Queen

Yes jem has a bit of algae but Bubbles and The Queen did also so I am not really worried about it at this point

No patients needed....happy to help!

Dick Moser

Active Member
god damn!!! the queen is a sexy beast!!!! are you about three weeks into flowering now???? i guess i could just review and do the math but i really really dont wanna :(


Active Member
god damn!!! the queen is a sexy beast!!!! are you about three weeks into flowering now???? i guess i could just review and do the math but i really really dont wanna :(
She is hot lookin' ain't she!!!! lol

They showed their sexy bits on 1/19

Dick Moser

Active Member
haha the kids watching some old cartoons i havent seen for a while so i was watching him and my old lady came up behind me and saw those emotes...i had to go ALL THE way through thise thread and show her i wasnt the only one talking to you..or even that often...she wanted me to tell you that some of those are very crude...but she thought some where cute as well...so she asked me to say that you use discretion . (she almost got my gun). so im sorry. lol its still sucking for me. i like them all. but some got me in trouble :(


Active Member
Sorry dude...just let her know I am a happily married woman and it is all in good fun....Sorry Lady M...


k2 could quick question,

whats the diffenrce between veg weeks and flowering weeks?
about the nuts AGAIN sorry i cant get this strait, when you nut a plant does that mean feeding it and watering it at the same time?

iam plant to do what you told me to, to hold the bucket and see if there was more or less water, but if it was less does that mean I have to feed it or just water it?

how are you planning to sure/dry your harvest?