K3NNy's I hope I don't get caught 1st grow journal


Active Member
Ok so my plants are looking kind of sick I will throw some pictures up maybe you guys could steer me in the right direction.

Plant A view from the top

Plant A close up of leaf (which has started to curl up in addition to brown spots on it)

Curry looking like Curry's leaves got bleached or something

Curry leaf with brown spots close up


Active Member
They don't look that bad at all imo...the lighter coloured leaf may be the first signs of an N deficiency, but you're prob better off not giving them any nutes yet...
if u really want to, look for "Yuuki 100(hyaku) bai" - its a liquid organic nute, 100x concentration instead of 1000x, and its organic so its harder to burn your tender seedlings.
Always start with a real small amount of nutes - about 1/4 of the recommended. And always add nutes after a light water.


Active Member
I haven't given them any nutrients yet and my soil is potting soil with some kind of rocks I bought, maybe the rocks are raising my pH level!?! I have no idea. Thanks for that tip Saibai I will look for Yuuki hyaku bai this weekend. Also what do I have to do when I am going to repot do I water before repotting or repot dry?


Active Member
Personally, I'd give them some more time in the cups, but when you repot, ideally you should water them lightly a half hour or so before you repot. As long as they're not bone dry.
Repot in about double the volue that they're in now.
Buy the slightly more expensive soil, its worth the extra coupla yen. The cheap stuff is fine for short-term tho. If you're growing inside and plan on giving them liquid nutes, you probably don't need any amendments other than some perlite or vermiculite. They say them in Japanese just the same..."paaraito" and "baamikyuraito"...go to a HomeWide or some WalMart type place and they'll have it.
Mix with the soil in any ratio from 1 part permiculite to 4 parts soil, to half and half.
My two cents, for what its worth...


Active Member
I just noticied that one of the leaves on plant A is all shirveled up and looks like half of it is dead. So at what point should I start to worry here? I am thinking the problems are either heat related or related to the pH of my soil which I will find a way to test I want the best for my plants


Active Member
Thanks saibai you are really helpful there is a store called Joy which is like a low rent home depot I will go there and buy all my materials this weekend I guess I will just toss the rest of this cheap soil then and get the best I can find


Active Member
Could be anything, they might not like the ramen cups even...a transplant can do wonders for the health of a plant.
Just make sure your lights aren't too low, although CFLs can get pretty close, also I'd keep the fan on swing or oscillate, blowing on them most of the time. Its never too early to put the fan on them, gently though, so they're just moving a bit.


Active Member
Yea I have a fan going 24/7 not only to build up stem strength but to help with temperature it gets really hot here. I have given them no nutes, maybe the residue from the ramen noodle cups is causing this!?! And my lights are cfl's no room for any "real" lights got to use pretend ones.
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This is Plant A one of the smaller leaves is turning grayish brown and looks like it's halfway dead

And this is sweet little Curry once my strongest plant now Curry looks like she is in a painful state I think I will replant Curry tomorrow since she looks soo bad


Well-Known Member
Did you poke holes in the bottom of your ramen cups for drainage? Your soil looks really wet - too wet, almost, unless you just watered them when taking the pic.


Active Member
Yea I just watered them. It's heat I just looked the leaves look dry and burned like they have been in an oven and the temperatures in my grow area are wayyy in the 90s (Farenheit) I am going to use the frozen water bottle method to help with the temperature and leave the door open my plants are baking before its time to be baked ^_^


Well-Known Member
Well, the high temperature may not be so bad in and of itself, but perhaps is more symptomatic of poor ventilation. I mean, weed grows in the tropics where it can be hella hot all day long, often. The difference is that outdoors you get heaps of fresh air and wind to cool the plant down. The ice bottle may bring the temps down a bit, but I'll bet that getting more fresh air moving around your plants will make a much bigger difference.


Active Member
Ok I turned the fan on high I guess I should take them out of this crappy cardboard box too. Thanks everyone for all your help and support!


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Plant A is looking lovely suffice for a few bad leaves her growth is impressive I will ost pics later on tonight ^_^


Active Member
Hi k3nny, hows the plants?
Heres a Hashberry starting to go into flower, in my secret Japanese garden.
Hope you don't mind me posting the pic here...



Active Member
No I don't mind at all she looks quite lovely!!!

So here is my update Curry looks pretty pathetic I am starting to think I should take the axe to curry and focus on Heather. Speaking of heather she is about 6 inches tall and is starting to get her nodes (I think that's what they are called)

Some of her leaves are yellow but I guess she is ok!?!

Is it even a she?? Might be a bit early to tell I guess

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Your plants are doing fine. I wouldn't axe anything if I was you. You only have two and you want a female, they could both be males or both females but if you chop one and the other turns out to be male you will be gutted. Wait until you know the sex.

Potting soil is bound to have some fert in it which is probably what burnt them early on. That's quite common and nothing to worry about.
Someone already said but, make sure, when you start using nutes, just begin with a small amount and increase gradually until you are at recommended dose.

You have done a great job so far.
One thing I thought I saw some tinfoil in the background, that is not good because it will cause hot-spots which can also burn the plants, use mylar or even just white paint is better than foil.
Good luck mate.