Kanye West = Douch Bag


Well-Known Member
What he did was unforgivable, he acted like big headed boob that seems as if he can't tell the difference between our reality and his dream world (yep that's how this comments going to start lol)

Whatever the his reason was for acting out I personally can't help but to see this as a lesson in the downfalls of hard headedness.

I follow pop culture not for the present drama but for the future pleasurable essence of nostalgia that I will experience. I found out that nostalgia euphoria provides quite a nice rush.


Well-Known Member
No matter the color of a womans skin, I'd tap their asses. You do realise that when you part the pussy lips they are all the same shade of pink.


Well-Known Member
Dude...didn't Kanye West pretty much kill his mother? Didn't she want plastic surgery, but was told by one doctor that she wasn't healthy enough to take the risk? So Kanye took her to another doctor who would do it anyway. I don't remember what exactly happened, I didn't really care.