KC Brains Mango information


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone. I just ordered Mandala's Satori (lots of information on it) and KC Brains Mango. I cant find any information about the strain, whether it needs alot of nutes or not, if it is a powerful smoke, or even what kind of stone it is for that matter. Has anyone ever grown their Mango, and what did you think? If you used soil, was it real nute sensitive? Thanks in advance- godspeed


Well-Known Member
I have read in here someone grow mango and loved it. The satori you got should be killer. I am growing mandalas kalichakra. Just popped up yesterday. Germed in moist medium for three days when they decided to pop out and see the world. Also have some widow skunk from de sajamaan. they popped at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Did you germ right in the soil like they recommend on their website? It was a toss up between kalichakra and satori. Have you grown anything from Mandala in the past? I bet that widow skunk will be wild!!!!


Well-Known Member
This is the first grow for me. After reading from their website , I figured it would be a good fit. I am using a 20 gal. DWC with a 150 watt hps. Got some cheap nuts off of ebay (star-dust 12.5/ 12.5/ 33) since mandala seeds grow without much nuts. Yes, they germed right in my medium. If your using soil, just keep it damp. They pop up in no time. I want to order some satori in the future. Sounds good. Next grow I already have white widow and misty from AMS.


Just some idiot
I grow BC Mango, I love it. It's very bushy likes nutes tastes and smells sweet. I would say it is an indica stone for sure. I don't know if this helps but it's at least something.

I also jumped on the Mandala bandwagon I got White Satin, Hashberry, and Speed Queen, and a Safari Mix.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I am eagerly awaiting. I am suppose to receive them tuesday/wednesday next week. I heard that mango grows big long buds. is that true?


Just some idiot
Thanks guys, I am eagerly awaiting. I am suppose to receive them tuesday/wednesday next week. I heard that mango grows big long buds. is that true?
Mine does but once again mine has canadian genetics and KC's is dutch.It's also a hardy little plant.