Thats an awesome idea , ha never thought of that.** Sorry for the images had to cover cell phone with sunglass to take the pictures.
Id like to say , in growing "weeds" I believe u can try ur own ways , and whatever works for u and ur plant the best than go for it .
Try one trimming and another one not , of the same strain , if u really find a difference in yield and quality then u know , if not then u know we r all potheads just talking out our asses as it seems this whole forum does , and thats why i love it . ive spoken with over 10 weed Dr's since ive been on this forum and they r just like real doctors they say lots of shit and guess work .
the idea of removing fan leaves is not guess work but rather science.. i mean, it's like everyone else has said earlier, photosynthesis is about as basic of a plant function as you can get.. jesu..
i can't believe that people actually think that by removing fan leaves you're doing the plant good.. this must be the 3rd or so thread like this i have seen this week, and it's only tuesday..
cannabis is no different than any other plant ffs.. do you ever see people who grow roses cut off all of the leaves to get better and bigger roses?? hell's to the nah's.. why do you think this is??? anyone, anyone, bueller, bueller...
I dont think we care about Science here Sir, its more of does it really do something different to the buds ? And i dont think u can compare roses to "weeds". So can u explain then how there is so many people on here that trim their plants and have these awesome pictures of nice buds , and people that dont and have the same awesome buds ?. Like i said everybody is a weed Doctor here![]()
I agree with the side by side comparison . But in this case We dont need a science class to let us explain what we were taught for many years in Science class . If somebody can give a correct 100% scientific statement on why or why not then id be glad to read and understand , but in this case its just a bunch of "weed Doctors" saying what they know from their own growing . IT Has Nothing to do with science its just theory cases by growers around the world which each doctor gives his own diagnosis and Homie dont play dat.From the few pictures in this thread, they might be nice, but they are not big. I am personally very interested in the science, even though i am a lazy "whatever works" grower. I would like to see a proper side by side comparison. And i think people do care about the science regardless if it is needed, hence why the vast majority of folk on this forum will own a ph meter. Science.
Science, wether you care or not, is behind everything in life, jeeez are you really that ignorant...I have already posted pictures of my last grow, show me any of your grows that even come close with or without your stress tactics and maybe I'll contemplate considering giving your opinion a bit of thought.
can you define awesome buds? yes it's been proven that MJ can grow flower without these 'pesky to some' leaves. but every plant that does, would have performed better had you not taken away it's main energy producing life givers....
I do not understand what you are after. You are trying to debate what is a well known and well understood scientific fact.