Kentucky Drug Sentencing Reform Bill On The Brink Of Passage


Active Member
there are rumors that the state doesnt have the funding to do the helicopter fly overs this year, who knows they may have to give up some of there toys


Active Member
well, thats not surprising, considering the cost of fuel and the financial deficit in every state where marijuana is illegal. Make it legal and make a profit.


Well-Known Member
I jizzed a little in my pants when I read that! lmao.
But I thought the same thing last year and they started flying in late April v early May the previous year!?! IDK.......w/ the passage of this reform maybe/hopefully they can't justify spending that kinda dough when the potential return is not as much as it used to be (when the penalties/fines were higher).

Like all things I'll hope for the best and expect the worst! If they're coming they'll be here sometime next month looking for prepped spots.:(

there are rumors that the state doesnt have the funding to do the helicopter fly overs this year, who knows they may have to give up some of there toys


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to bump this thread to remind everybody (who it might matter to), that the drug reform took effect in June, and you can possess up to and including an ounce in Ky. now and are supposed to just be ticketed as long as you aren't violating any other law.:bigjoint:

I know I'm a little late about this, but I was just looking over some stuff and......anyway @NewstrainNewRules; Yea I was pretty off on the helicopters not flying this year! Son-of-a-bitches started buzzing over my mother, 3 sons and I while we were blackberry pickin' back in July. They flew over about five times and hovered around for a few minutes each time. Finally I screamed up at it and asked "what do you want!":cuss: and about that time here come 2 Humvee's and 2 state police cruisers down the old dirt drive-way and across the creek towards us! They searched our berry buckets and sent us on our way! Motherfuckers thought they had caught us working a plot I believe and the chopper was just making sure we stayed put till the back up arrived. All to find out they'd caught a family berry picking on a friends place. What a fuckin' waste of tax payer dollars!!!!!:clap::wall:


New Member
sorry to burst your buble guys but the feds are closing in, even if your state becomes legal its looking to get really bad here in Michigan, not only are they trying to reform the system but they have given our records to the DEA, its been great so far but doom could be on the horizon. Hopefully its just more idle threats and hype but I fear they could do some kind of crackdown one day, well I don't fear, I don't live in fear, but you know...just trying to keep it real..


Well-Known Member
I've heard since '96 that the whole "medical marijuana" thing was really just the government's way of getting all the pot users to register themselves and then, when they make the shit completely illegal again, they'll have a list of people to target!
But now, so many states have adopted the medical guidelines and soo many ppl using it medicinally, that IDK if the feds will be able to do anything about it. I've asked before and never have gotten a response (and I may post a thread about it in the legal edge forum) but if a certain amount of states pass a law, don't the rest have to do the same? Like more than half or something?
Anyway, times are a changin', the economy has affected everything including ppl's attitudes about the war on drugs! It's changed from "lock up all the druggies" to "it's expensive to lock up all the druggies"! lmao