Kentucky Fried Pot :(

fedora bora

Active Member
Well, I got stoned a few weeks ago and I built a hut in my back yard out of scrap metal, wood, clothe, metal barrels, fencing, and pretty much whatever I could find lying around my property. I had my baby inside but I wanted to move because I hate having to go out of my way to hide her when I have company over, which happens a lot. So I figured if I grew her in the hut I made, no one would disturb her. So I but her, some lights, and a few fans in the hut and the next day she was fried. I think it is the worst case of temperature burning I have ever seen on a plant. Like all of her shade leaves are twisted into a ball of dried plant matter and the smaller leaves are looking rather crispy. The plant itself is still alive and I moved her back indoors, but I was wondering a few things:

1. Will she recover and if so by how much? Its been two days since the hut incident and she is alive, but not looking a whole lot better.

2. Should I prune the dried leaves? I know the leaves help support the plant with food and such, and I don't want to harm the plant, but a large amount of leaves are dead or just about dead and If I prune all of the bad leaves off of her she wont have a lot of leaves left.