Key point to recognize about the Police State


New Member
So they had bomb squads at the parade yesterday, swat teams, etc...

Key thing to recognize about the police state is that....The TSA, Homeland Security, ETC...They haven't caught one terrorist, not a single one! and they probably never will! It is always the FBI that catches them.

As a Joke I am making it a point to ask every officer harassing people on the streets in riot gear...."Did you find any al qaida yet today?"

Down with the Police State!


Active Member
So they had bomb squads at the parade yesterday, swat teams, etc...

Key thing to recognize about the police state is that....The TSA, Homeland Security, ETC...They haven't caught one terrorist, not a single one! and they probably never will! It is always the FBI that catches them.

As a Joke I am making it a point to ask every officer harassing people on the streets in riot gear...."Did you find any al qaida yet today?"

Down with the Police State!
Even the terrorists that the FBI caught were set up by the FBI. For example the Times Square bomber was just some moron who thought he made an al qaida connection on the internet, but it was it actually some undercover FBI stooge.


Active Member
I heard that after the Colorado theater shooting, the government had considerations of a establishing TSA-like presence at large malls, theaters, and stadiums.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least.

A lot of major concerts now have a massive state-trooper presence. It goes along the same lines... America and the principles it was founded on, are coming to an end.