Kho strikes again


Well-Known Member
so every ones main concern is grow room temps rite?

well i came up with something for you guys that cant afford the ac systems

the concept is air blows over the frozen stuff and and as it blows thru it cools the air basically a lil swamp cooler

heres what you need a good fan( can be done with a couple pc fans)

a bucket ( i used a 3 gallon pot) your fan needs to fit in side (if you have a inline fan all you need is a small bucket for the cooler)

a sharp knife or drill

some ducting (you dont need this if you can place yours close to where it needs to be)

some duct tape and cardboard

k so cut a door on the side by cuting three lines so it folds open and the seal shut with duct tape

cut a hole in the bottom of the bucket for the ducting/ outlet

place the fan inside

cut a hole in the cardboard for a small section of duct to direct air to the fan and trim the card board to fit the top of the bucket

duct tape all this tight to the bucket (if you have a lid for your bucket cut the hole in that)

open your door and place infront of the fan a few frozen water bottles( theres big red cans in the pic lol i wanted to try it real quick haha)

plug the fan in and let her rip you have to check the bottles to make sure thier still pretty frozen or youll jus have regular air flowing

I"LL revise this later i typed this sorta fast

ill be changing a few things also and ill post those later have fun and be creativebongsmilie

the temp in the pic is without any frozen things in it ill get a pic up of the changed flow temps



Well-Known Member
okay so lets put this on hold while i remake some shit its doin its job but i wanna get a lil better design goin lol


Active Member
Just figure out some type of container to freeze such as a water bottle. Just be careful with the condensation/water near electricity.


Well-Known Member
lol it works fine im jus gonna go a diffent route involving a pump some copper tubing and a kegerator type setup muhahaha ill have it up in a few days


Well-Known Member
That's creative I like DIY stuff but now you should just look for a mini fridge on craiglist or something. You can find them as low as $20. Then you can modify it to give you the cooling you want in the little swamp cooler setup so you don't ever have to screw around with adding frozen stuff all the time.
Or get a small a/c unit and mod it.

Take it to the next level...


Well-Known Member
Just figure out some type of container to freeze such as a water bottle. Just be careful with the condensation/water near electricity.

ive been putting water bottles in it but as with the test run it un frezes in bout an hour so that wont work the ides of the new setup will have a small chilled res tank submersable pump attatched to the tubing the tubbing coiled up in a small tank with ices ( frozen bottles to cut down on draining and then bent in to a square shape thing inside my lil can thing then back to the res tank


Well-Known Member
That's creative I like DIY stuff but now you should just look for a mini fridge on craiglist or something. You can find them as low as $20. Then you can modify it to give you the cooling you want in the little swamp cooler setup so you don't ever have to screw around with adding frozen stuff all the time.
Or get a small a/c unit and mod it.

Take it to the next level...

yeah im always buildin shit but this was a quick fix ill prolly build a small freon chilled setup after a while for sure


Active Member
Just a thought, run some ducting to a cooler, medium lunch box, and you can fill it with ice water, and put some salt in in the ice water to drop the temp to the 20's and just hook the box up to your fan and your good to go. Cooler's usually have a drain, and it's insulated so it will keep the cold longer.


Well-Known Member
Just a thought, run some ducting to a cooler, medium lunch box, and you can fill it with ice water, and put some salt in in the ice water to drop the temp to the 20's and just hook the box up to your fan and your good to go. Cooler's usually have a drain, and it's insulated so it will keep the cold longer.
hehe that was my first lil project it worked but i wanted a more self contained so i built this but now ive changed it a lil till i get to town

as the moment i have the duct running from the ceiling to the intake side of the fan and then it cools that air and puts it to the plants bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Nice. Just as long as it gets the job done, that's great.

yeah lol i was jus in my attic and there jus so happens to be a distribution box for the ac rite above the closet muhahaha lil to be said my box will soon be aircooled

i mite keep the lil contraptions around to see if i can get em turn blue on me hehehe:peace: