kickass bagseed 3week in flower indoors

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
Skeet we gotta go to amsterdam thats were we need to be. Going next year i hope, at least thats the plan. Lets make a trip out of it.


Well-Known Member

I need to show this journal to my boyfriend.

He keeps telling me that no matter what, if you grow bagseed
it will come out crappy.

I'm like wtf!!! He has to see this. I keep trying to convince him bagseed
can turn into good weed if you grow it right.

Yours looks just as good as any other "exotic" strain that has a name.
Its great. I will make sure I get my butt back here to read the smoke
report. How long you going to cure for the420??

I am attempting to grow bagseed right now. Have 4 little babies outside
right now.

We got a seed from some Sensi Star from a dispensary.
Lets hope its a girl.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
My first attempt was with bagseed. I did so much wrong it was amazing any of them survived. The yield was crap but the smoke was really good. Anyway to make a long story short, my golfing buddy and I are now both on our second grow. I have four thc bombs, two caramelicious and three bagseed plants from some excellent beans off the street. He has nine cyrstals, four mazar and three of those same bagseed I'm growing. We have a grow tent for when the males show themselves so we can collect some pollen and try different crosses for our own seeds in the future. Don't let anyone tell ya' bagseed grows crappy weed, it doesn't.


Well-Known Member
bag seed can be the shit espcially if you got some pretty good cronic and its seeds just imagine how much better it would have been if it hadnt wasted its time making seeds im growing like 4 bag seeds and they doing better than all of the know gentics i bought from attitude not hating just saying bag seed can be great


Well-Known Member
bag seed can be the shit espcially if you got some pretty good cronic and its seeds just imagine how much better it would have been if it hadnt wasted its time making seeds im growing like 4 bag seeds and they doing better than all of the know gentics i bought from attitude not hating just saying bag seed can be great
I know. I saw a journal from RajinCajun and his bagseed came out wonderfully.
I was like damn, I am just gonna grow bagseed for a grow or two when I start. :hump:

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
thats guys its been a fun grow. bagseed can be some great shit when took care of. still curing its been a week for some and some just started gonna let it all go till the end of the month. but so far the sweet smoke is of the one that hermied taste so sweet and a killer head buzz.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
purple thanks for the complement i dont know about as good as any exotic but im very pleased. if your gonna do some bagseed get the dankest midgrade you can and u those seeds. normally mids are the small buds of reall strains of some that was not grown to its fullest potential. this will give u the best chance of some good genetics with good potency. and get those babies in side outside takes to long and risky.


Well-Known Member
purple thanks for the complement i dont know about as good as any exotic but im very pleased. if your gonna do some bagseed get the dankest midgrade you can and u those seeds. normally mids are the small buds of reall strains of some that was not grown to its fullest potential. this will give u the best chance of some good genetics with good potency. and get those babies in side outside takes to long and risky.

I don't think anyone can tell what they are. They are out in my veggie
garden. They seem to have some low moisture stress going on. So, my
boyfriend and I are working as fast as we can to get the room set up.

Just ordered nutes and meters, and now we're waiting on the light.



Well-Known Member
good luck purp let me know when u get it up and running id like see how u do.

thanks. just ordered the 400w hps. The journal will be on my boyfriends
profile. I will post a link if you're still interested after we get it started.

So far we're still waiting on the nutes, the light, and the PH meter.

Just got the PPM meter in today. Wow, now that I think of it, we didn't
even order a thermometer/humidity meter. Will pick it up at Wally World soon then...

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
so whats up purps u got ur stuff yet. so how do you plan on growing. u going big, medium or small. u can go veg for two weeks and then flower so all you have is single cola plants and u pack alot in small places. what nutes u going with? a cheap soil i find works well is mgs peatmoss then add perlite at about 50-50. holds water well and drains good.dont use anything with a lota bark in it there hard to control the ph.


Well-Known Member
so whats up purps u got ur stuff yet. so how do you plan on growing. u going big, medium or small. u can go veg for two weeks and then flower so all you have is single cola plants and u pack alot in small places. what nutes u going with? a cheap soil i find works well is mgs peatmoss then add perlite at about 50-50. holds water well and drains good.dont use anything with a lota bark in it there hard to control the ph.
Damn. Looks like the grow can't continue.
My boyfriend got busted. He had to take the whole set-up down.

And I WAS going to have a personal little rubbermaid grow going,
but I can't do that either. My 'rents say I need to leave the nest

now. That sucks.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
your saying the landlord caught you? how? do you have inspection. u should scale it down to a micro grow in a dresser or tall tool cabinet. sorry to hear the news.


Well-Known Member
your saying the landlord caught you? how? do you have inspection. u should scale it down to a micro grow in a dresser or tall tool cabinet. sorry to hear the news.

My boyfriend's older friend was letting him stay in
her old house she just moved out of.

It was going to be foreclosed in a few months, and the
electricity was still on, so they let him stay there.

But she found the grow and told him he had to get his
stuff out and leave. So he is now at his grandparents house,

and hopefully the grow will commence there.

the420 apprentice

Well-Known Member
ok i know i havent been on much but ive still been growing. i got ten new girls in the room and twenty small ones i veged for just two weeks from seed. 4 of the new bigger ones are from clone and the other are some i grew from seed. not getting a good male to female ratio. all of the other six went in at different times and no i didnt keep track of it. the dry wieght of the last crop was 10 0z, smokes fucking nice gonna let them go longer this time for more of the couchlock buzz. i did some topping on the new ones also. got some 4,3, and 2 cola plants. so hope u guys like the pics. im gonna try and keep up with it a little better.

