kids cant be kids anymore??


Active Member
Disclaimer, i'm baked.

First off, i just read this:

When i was in school, putting a sex doll in a bathroom would have been considered small fry.

Before i start getting any 'your not american so how can you comment' remarks, i appreciate that things are different across the pond. Violence in schools is something to be concerned about and terrorism also, but this is just over-kill.

This kid could be getting 8 years! (unlikely i know but a possibility none the less)
If i hadn't of pulled a couple of pranks in school i would have turned out a-lot worse and resented the education system.
This kid pulls a prank at the end of his time at this school and they want to press felony charges. . wtf?

On a lighter side, anyone feel like sharing any stories about pranks you pulled in school?


Well-Known Member
I was the first person in my middle school to get a 10-day out of school suspension. Apparently drinking apricot schnapps and finger-banging your girlfriend are frowned upon at intramural basketball games.


Active Member
I was the first person in my middle school to get a 10-day out of school suspension. Apparently drinking apricot schnapps and finger-banging your girlfriend are frowned upon at intramural basketball games.
Fingerbangin lmfaooooo :D
A kid asked me to go buy him a cola once and I threw a tiny amount of an unmentionable in it. Had fun watching the mofo try to pay attention in class. He tripped balls:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I was the first person in my middle school to get a 10-day out of school suspension. Apparently drinking apricot schnapps and finger-banging your girlfriend are frowned upon at intramural basketball games.
That apricot schnapps is full of sugar and other bad things...


Well-Known Member
Oh no dude dont even get me started.
Every kid I see nowadays is an exact replication os disney channel. No kids can go ouside anymore due to paranoid mothers. You cant be creative, all they do is play videogames(not complaining HA!). When I was a kid I went outside to play every day.. And Im only 24. I dont know how it has changed so much sicne then but I uess it has... My parents were old fashioned tohugh

My little brother when he was younger my parents fed him all soda and candy n shit. NOw he has terible ADD and hes a compelte little bitch faggot. He is prescribed 70mg VYVANSE. And has been since he was 7 YEARS OLD. WTF is wrong with people these days. .Myparents should even know that that is just TERRIBLE. He is short as FUCK. His growth was totally stunted and he is more fucked up in the head due to those litle fuckers]

They got mad at me for stealing thm once when I was younger but really I ws doing him a favor


Well-Known Member
Holy hell we have had people fire off bottle rockets down pod shaped hallways, and set live animals loose in the hallways....given I live in a very rural area...but no charges were is ridiculous...but how many school officials have to wonder if that day is the day they get shot by a hormonally charged emo teen? Both scenarios are unfair...but they cause one can't be kids, because some kids are kids with uzi's...and they mess everything up for everyone...They whole thing just sux...I am a big fan of perhaps hitting him with a fake 911 call that way he learns a lesson about acting shady and wearing hoodies while carrying a package while his skin is dark...but I think everyone should just be like OMG we thought you were going to blow us up...good thing it was just a doll...oh


Well-Known Member
Se when I was in highchool t was very fucked up. They would call in groups of 30-60 kids, search them, suspend them for having ibuprofen or their ADD meds. The principle and the cop were butt buddies. The principle was doing at least a million things that could get him fired. They acused me of being a heroin addict, told my mom. Searched me, asked to go through my phone, I said no, they took it out of my hand and looked anyways. Then I told on them, and they both lied and said that never happened.

My friend was baked at school, they took him out in a stretcher, took phone out of his pocket, searched it(which is incidentally wat got me fucked), took his girlfriends keys out of her locker, searched her car which was in a neighborhood surrounding the school. He got fined out the ass because possession charges within 1000ft of a school are apparently a thousand times worse.

Needlesss to say they relentlessly fuck everyone without remorse, our school system is fucked and dont even get me started about young children and their parents/doctors


Well-Known Member
A janitor at Rushville Consolidated High School saw Morton run away from the school May 31, and security footage showed a person in a hooded sweatshirt and gloves entering the school with a package and leaving five minutes later without it, according to court documents.
Pretty sketchy.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Back when I was in high school I got suspended for a couple weeks for punching a kid after he spit in my face, he had been messing with me for a couple of weeks (annoying more than anything else) and I told him if he kept it up I would kick his ass. The principle said it was a "pre-meditated attack" because I told him if he kept messing with me I would kick his ass.

Several years ago my uncle got called to school because they recovered a "weapon" from my cousin, a bent paper clip:wall: :dunce::wall: he didn't even do anything with it he just had it laying on his desk when a teacher came by and took it. My uncle chewed their asses out good, he was sooo pissed that he had to miss a day of work over that.


Well-Known Member
Some kids here localy were not allowed to graduate with their class because they put oil on the floor and slid down it on the last day of school.. The Admin that did this is getting so much heat he will probly not be there next year. When I was in high school, graduated 79, we had guns in our cars to hunt after and before school and it was ok. We were allowed to have knifes on us there was no big deal and in shop I tought the class how to hot wire a car and go an A for the project. Things have changed a lot from now to then.

They have alternitive schools here and if a kid gets caught with an asprin (zero tollerance) they go there for weeks. My buddies kid had his deer knife in the car the cops searched it and kicked him out of school his senior year with just one month to go. Just flat out crap. Kids can not be kids anymore.


Well-Known Member
Se when I was in highchool t was very fucked up. They would call in groups of 30-60 kids, search them, suspend them for having ibuprofen or their ADD meds. The principle and the cop were butt buddies. The principle was doing at least a million things that could get him fired. They acused me of being a heroin addict, told my mom. Searched me, asked to go through my phone, I said no, they took it out of my hand and looked anyways. Then I told on them, and they both lied and said that never happened.

My friend was baked at school, they took him out in a stretcher, took phone out of his pocket, searched it(which is incidentally wat got me fucked), took his girlfriends keys out of her locker, searched her car which was in a neighborhood surrounding the school. He got fined out the ass because possession charges within 1000ft of a school are apparently a thousand times worse.

Needlesss to say they relentlessly fuck everyone without remorse, our school system is fucked and dont even get me started about young children and their parents/doctors
So you are saying that they searched and harassed you when in fact you were hiding something...? Do you ever feel that perhaps while in school you were part of the problem?


Active Member
I was the first person in my middle school to get a 10-day out of school suspension. Apparently drinking apricot schnapps and finger-banging your girlfriend are frowned upon at intramural basketball games.
well that Schnapps stuff is awful dangerous you know :P

Holy hell we have had people fire off bottle rockets down pod shaped hallways.
i wondered how long it would be before fireworks were mentioned :P

personally my worst was me and a buch of mates stole the 'career guidance councilors' car on april fools, filled it with empty beer bottles and parked it in the principals space.
the councilor saw the joke. principal not so much, slaped me with a two week suspension. . . . . . bitch :P


Well-Known Member
They called me two years ago, my son was Junior and I posted a photo of him on fb with a beer in his hand. We were in Mexico, they told me to take it down. I drove down there and told them to go fu?)( off. We were in Mexico where it was legal. He had in school suspension for a month. Jerks. Crazy shit these days.


Well-Known Member
Why not just leave your drugs at home? I mean isn't that what they are trying to stress? If you leave your drugs at home they won't super duper bust you for having drugs at school...worst case scenario, you get busted for having drugs at home...


Well-Known Member
personally my worst was me and a buch of mates stole the 'career guidance councilors' car on april fools, filled it with empty beer bottles and parked it in the principals space.
the councilor saw the joke. principal not so much, slaped me with a two week suspension. . . . . . bitch :P
I wasn't involved but when i was a freshman the seniors stole the principals car. One of their dads had his own septic cleaning service so they FILLED his car with "sewage". They all got arrested for something or other. I forget.

It was funny. But thinking back i realize how shitty it was.