KIEF... a Silent Diary... by GypsyBush


Well-Known Member
Can you use keif to cook with? How does that work?
Good question...

I have never used Kief in cooking, I usually just use trim to make butter..

A lot of times I will just use straight up bud for my butter...

But I have never used Kief...

I would imagine the THC would behave the same way, regardless of where it is stored...

I have heard repeatedly that it starts to degrade at 150F to 180F

I have NO IDEA IF THAT'S TRUE, but I try to "low bake" everything I use it on..

Sorry for being no help... Maybe someone with better info can chime in...



Well-Known Member
thanks, well you should do another on how to make butter, we need all the help we can get in the faqs area.....wink...wink..LOL!


Well-Known Member
thanks, well you should do another on how to make butter, we need all the help we can get in the faqs area.....wink...wink..LOL!
I'm not sure...

I didn't really mean this to be a tutorial as much as just me goofing around and sharing some of my harvest with you guys...

I am new at all this and would hate for anyone to waste their hard work following a newb...

In all honesty, I would look at someone like FDD for hash questions...


I am just a silly hippie having

And thanks to EVERYONE for the compliments... but I just wanted to share the pretty pictures,,,lol... there are better ways to do

Cheers !!!



Junior Creatologist
Dude that shit was nice. Love the hashbar, looks like a fuckin airheads sour apple bar, lol. But man, with all that trim you got there, you could come off with a NICE ass bar of some full melt bubble hash bro. At the boutique they actually have the 7 bag set of 1gal bags for somethin like 65 euro, which aint too too bad. But for a DIY'er like yerself man, you've definitely got a nice ass method to gettin yer hashish on man. Its awesome seeing a bar made from straight DANK weed, that specific NEON green color is just beautiful, especially sittin all piled up in yer piece like that, lol.

Props dude, n as soon as it lets me tomorrow, i owe you +rep anyways, but ill make sure that i getcha twice for that shit.

Keep it goin bro :D



Well-Known Member
kiefs way to green for my liking but congrats
Had to laugh when I saw your Love the show!!!

Yeah I agree, the screen is too big of a mesh, but it was what I could get locally...

I appreciate you recognizing I'm new... I have a lot to learn, but I am still proud and really

Cheers mate, thanks for coming by!



Active Member
I thought it's a work of art too !

yea back off Dubrulz this thread wasnt called teach dumbrulz how to make hash it was a fkk k in work of art in my opinion quit hatin

Keep learning MJ .. ther will come a day when u think back on this thread and go .......... " OOHHHHHHHHHH !" don't feel bad when you think that .. Hahaha .. just realize how "greeen" u were and be patient w/ the newbies we are all into the beauty of the plant in all it's forms .. and everyone has something new to learn !

Excellent post Gypsy Bush .. WAY COOL bro'

haha now I'm gonna continue reading on this post ... Had 2 throw this in here


Active Member
I just finished reading the entire thread Haha .. MJ u aren't as "green" as i thought at first .. you seem like a sweet gal !

Gypsy Bush You did a nice job 'splaining the process !! DUDE U R COOL !!

Thanks for all your work Gypsy !


Well-Known Member
just looking at the kief gave me an anxiety attack, ya know when you smoke certain strains that make you consider calling an ambulace or jumping out of a car on the highway? well thats how i get everytime i smoke these days, and thats the heart attack stuff right there!


Well-Known Member
Hi Gypsy;) Yep, just me lurking around your thread drooling again, GRRRRRRR MJ

Hi Roland...I try to act right (most of the time) LOL Thx for noticing!! MJ


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words everyone...

As many of you know, I have a perpetual harvest...

Sooo.. I get to chop plants often,,,

And I get to make kief

I got some super sugary on the drying rack, but I thought I'd share the few buds I chopped....

Please note that the weight is fresh and wet, I expect it to cure at about 1/4 of that weight...

