kill spindermites with rubbing alcohol?

so i was looking around online for a better way to get rid of them. so i found one that said use rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl Alcohol) in a 1:1, 1:3 ratio (isopropyl to water) in a spray bottle. has anyone tried this? and if not whats your thoughts on it.
Isopropyl alcohol definitely kills spider mites. But.... Dont forget that it's also used to make oil and shatter because it separates the trichomes from the plants. You might very well end up reducing the potency of the buds.... Just saying
Vacuumed their canopies off my canopies, then sprayed half and half of 99%Iso&H2O....lights off...Exhaust off during spraying, then add another 15 minutes of exhaust off, then turn it back on. Finally turned the lights on after three hours of drying/exhausting. The buds are 10 days away from severance. The light has been on for about three hours. Due to vacuum nozzle and heavy spray, I would say the trichomes have taken a commensurate beating, to be expected. I would prefer worn trichs to webs and mites. And when I smoke herb, There's no desire for rosemary, soybean, peppermint oils, along with sodium benzoate, etc... To a connoisseur none of these are more desirable than a slight trichome beat down (which is really more from vacuuming webs than the melting effect we all envision when imagining the splash of Isopropyl flowing over your "fresh & stickies".)
When using Isopropyl alcohol only use manual pumps to avoid vapor ignition. Iso vapors are not as volatile as other flammables, but, still. Though not recommended, and maybe just lucky, circulating fans can apparently be left on during spraying, without incident. Cheers.