Kinda need a little help


So this is my second grow, first grow was a successful one, considering I didnt know much and didnt feed them in veg, just some nutes a few times in flower. Buds didnt get that big though, were potent enough for me, but didnt really get that big.
Anyway its my second time around and I have a few questions. Last time I had three plants, but two were in one pot, but now Ive got three plants all in different pots. Now I dont have too much room, maybe like three feet wide, two and an half feet tall, and like two and a half feet thick. Ive got three 26 watt cfls with mylar on every side. Ive got decent ventilation, last time I only had a little fan blowing on them, now Ive got two computer fans one blowing on them and the other sucking air away from the bottom. The one blowing on them is kind of blowing on the cfls to to cool the area around them so it doesnt get too hot.
Again, I dont have much room, so I switched the lights to 12/12 last night, the pictures were taken yesterday. They dont have branches yet, and I dont know male or female yet. I topped them, and the tops were just starting to show themselves, more so in the one on the orange plant. I put one of the plants outside, and Ive grown outside before so I know I can get a good harvest from it if its female.
My main question is do you think with how much they grow during flower if the branches will produce much bud, or if it would be more benefitial to cut off the branches that do start to grow?
You can see the pictures, just how much do you think theyll grow while they flower, and combined about how much dried but do you estimate the yeild is gonna be?



Well-Known Member
A lot depends on the strain. But given their size when you started 12/12 I'm guessing you will not get much. You need to veg them a lot more.


Well I dont have much room, I was trying to take in the fact that they grow during flower, some say double or triple in size, and honestly if all three double in size Im not sure my lights will be strong enough. Ive just got a little cabinet, to grow in and theres a board about halfway going the whole thing, but theres a little recess behind the board and I was able to take that board out which is the only reason I even have a grow room. The rest of the board doesnt come out. Ill try and post pictures of my grow room though.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont have much room, I was trying to take in the fact that they grow during flower, some say double or triple in size, and honestly if all three double in size Im not sure my lights will be strong enough. Ive just got a little cabinet, to grow in and theres a board about halfway going the whole thing, but theres a little recess behind the board and I was able to take that board out which is the only reason I even have a grow room. The rest of the board doesnt come out. Ill try and post pictures of my grow room though.
I don't know. Given your space, if it were me, I would grow one kick ass bush rather than 3 scrawny ones. My experiences show a lot of post-flowering growth but not any double or triple except in a few rare cases, I would say more like 50% - 75% increase. Others may have other experiences.


Thats what I was gonna do at first, but I started five seeds and I just couldnt kill any of them, one died and I put one outside cause it wasnt getting much light and was starting to stretch a bit. You think I could put another one outside, and veg two longer? I only switched the light cycle last night, so if I switch back if it does stress, it wouldnt stress much.


Just what do you think is the best route from here, and which one do you think I should put outside? Im thinking the one on the left because its the tallest, its a sativa and I dont care much for sativas. The middle one I know is a heavier indica, I got the seed for it from a very trusted grower friend and Ive smoked the bud from it before and I like it. The one all the way to the right is an unknown strain, and I mean I dont know what it will turn out to be like because I had three plants last grow and thats a seed from that so its a combination of two of three good buds that I liked.


Well-Known Member
Scrog your plant man, if you want to keep your indica nice and bushy and have it grow out decent id say look into scrog. You can mold the plant any way shape or form..technically depending on your cuts and how you want to shape it. And if shading is a problem with some cut some top fan leaves to open the dark spots on smaller colas bending will also make colas bigger during flower.


I just dont have much experience bending, I was gonna try that with this grow, but the stalks got hard too quick, at first they looked too thin and I didnt want to break them, then I tried it and it snapped. Thats why one of my plants died. Ill give that a shot, but Im gonna put my sativa (left one) outside. Im reading on scrogging now. Thank you for the input by the way, its really appreciated.


Active Member
if i were you i would go with autoflowers or if your only growing 3 then buy female seeds instead of wasting time


I was thinking of flowering from seed, I seen some pictures of someones grow when they did that they got quite a bit. I know what autoflower does, but how would that help? (honest question not hating)


Active Member
you said u aint got much room n there MEANT to be quite short, although i done 3 diff strains at the same time n they were all over 4 feet so who knows.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...Well unless you have whole lot of those CFLs you won't get big just won't be possible...