Kool Bloom and hermies.


New Member
While surfing some other forums I found some info on Kool Bloom (dry) will cause hrmies. Does anyone else use Kool Bloom and do you think that it causes hermies?
Here is a link to some info I have found on the subject. Kool Bloom - The Garden's Cure

Does anyone know if this true, or have any first hand expeirence?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Uhh, oh yeah, I had a late term hermie once, and I was using Kool Bloom then, so that must be it! :roll:

Heehee, what you've got there is a couple of guys "speculating" without saying so. Both of them said it's a fact. Both of them are high. Shit, one guy calls himself Dizzy. :grin:

I've used it since it was Ka Bloom. And it is easy to overfert when using it. Now GH has added a note to their schedules about reducing ppm of base nutrient when adding Kool Bloom.


New Member
I recently started using it and happened to have my first hermie, and was wondering if it were related, but I suspected it was not. Just thought I would through the idea out there to get some first hand experience. Thanks Potroast!


Well-Known Member
The thing about kool-bloom is that you have to use the liquid one 2weeks into flower and the dry one for last week or so befor you flush.

very interesting though.


Well-Known Member
i use kool bloom and i dont get hermies, im in day 50 and they are huge and deliciously dank. my buddy also has used kool bloom on over 6 of his grows which i watched and learned from, all hermie free.


Well-Known Member
I am interested in this too. i am in day 15 of flowering and I want to get a bloom booster. kool bloom is looking good. i am already using GH stuff..... i would like to know more about monster bloom too.


Active Member
I never had any hermies with Kool Bloom, but I'm not so quick to discount the chance it might make them more likely. I switched to AN simply for the bigger yields, but it's worth it in my mind to avoid anything that might increase the odds of getting a hermie.

I've never had a hermie with Advanced Nutrients and, more importantly, never heard of anything to suggest any AN products might cause them. Some people think Kool Bloom does and some don't.

So I think I'll stick with bigger yields and stay away from Kool Bloom.


Active Member
i use kool bloom and never had a problem. i would do the whole cycle though i dont think i would just jump into the powder form.


i use kool bloom and never had a problem. i would do the whole cycle though i dont think i would just jump into the powder form.
interestingly enough I have been using Kool bloom and I just pulled up 4 Hermie's this morning. So this evening I was looking to see if I could make a Hermie and now I think I know. Broke my heart to pull them up this late. :-(


Well-Known Member
I use kool bloom and no hermies.. Hermies are causes by forms of stress. you probly dumped half a bag of koool bloom in haha... all it is is NPK its all the same


WOW what a clusterfuk of confusion in these replies.
Does anyone try and be specific?
Instead of saying I tried Koolbloom and got hermies, try and tell us about your whole grow. Starting out with what nutrients you use, followed by what Plant enhancements, followed by any other useful information.
So I have been using the Flora series from GH, using DWC hydro with an airstone at the bottom. Once I started to switch my lights to flower, I started with Floralicious Bloom, Liquid Koolbloom, BudCandy and of course the Flora Bloom, Micro & Gro. So far No Hermies, I am at week 5-6 now.
So far I like what I see, and buds are starting to plump. I plan on stopping Liquid Koolbloom and starting the Dry Koolbloom for the last couple weeks.
From talking to other "Caregivers" I have heard of many reasons for Hermies, and the reason most given is that somehow light entered the room, whether a crack in the drywall or maybe a light from a power supply, but have never heard of Koolbloom causing Hermes.
Here are my pics most are purpkush and william wonder cross, please bear in mind I have no xp in growing and have been dealing with overnutes and spidermites. Which "AZATROL" helped rid them mites. Hope you like!!! Good Luck with the HERMES.



well, had a great crop going, girls in 5th to 6th week of flower... boom, all of a sudden, 7 plants hermed..... gdp and white widow. this is my second grow. what a killer to loose 7 plants. I am not sure what caused them to herm, i.e., lights leeks, kool bloom powder application, perhaps a dry day when they should have been watered, not sure, but now a new grow with new strains and in the 7th to 8th week of flower, signs on several plants that they have began to herm. some of the plants even had seeds....

i do use kool bloom dry and my friend recently told me about this thread.

now that i am moving into another grow (the 4th) i am concerned that there may still be pollins floating around my grow room! what to do. I am also considering using the liquid kool bloom.


Well-Known Member
Maybe kool bloom's reputation for hermies is undeserved.
But maybe it isn't.

It could be that Brett Farve's sexting scandal was blown out of proportion or completely fabricated. It doesn't mean I'd leave my daughter alone with the man...

It all comes down to how many black marks on a reputation you'll allow before you protect your loved ones from the danger.


Well-Known Member
I've used koolbloom liquid and dry on multi-kush grows and other strains and never have had a hermie so im not sure why some people are getting them.