i like what i have heard from coka nostra. they seem to keep it fresh. isnt ill bill in it?? yes i love my little dude. his smile puts everything in perspective. we sit and listen to hip hop together already(not too loud

). that little man is gonna have some heart and soul.
yeah ill bill and about 40 others or sumthin i think they're trying to beat the Wu for most extended rap family title... so far so good tho ive liked what ive heard so far.
yeah house of pain was dope. i am embarrased to say but i even listened to whitey ford lmao. em did burn him down though. my thing about em is his first shit was fire and i copped every 1. as time has gone on and he has had women money, fame....his sound has become so mainstream. like that song about the pop stars sucked ass. i could never see em putting some shit out like that a long time ago.
whitey was from that funny period in hip hop where he wasnt a visionary and he wasnt top flight. middle of the rap road for me. kinda like he could have been nickleback or a rapper.
now its over produced shit with em not spitting with that same hunger from when he was a nobody. i think the drugs and struggles have affected his music. i did hear a few cuts off his new shit which sounded like the old em. i think people spit the best before they are famous and rich for years. when they are poor and hungry they have nothing to lose spittin over some gritty underground production. like this cut with the outsidaz. em at his best with some doppppe underground shit from wayy back.

notice the 2nd dude spittin, who does he sound like and who sounds influenced by it?? also em shit all over his boys the outsidaz.
Eminem is arguably the greatest rapper of all time. but its like cypress hill how long can you dine out on the same shit over and over pumps 40's blunts are to Em's vicodin daughter and mother. played out.
thats the difference between good and great, first albums are the culmination of years of perfecting their shit. the second album is always the tell. its more prominent in band albums than rappers. and lets face it if Dre wasnt there to hold a lot of peeps hands major release hip hop is lil shitstain wayne etc autotuned BS
enough ranting.....