KR's Grow: Jock Horror, BlackJack, and Mystery


Well-Known Member
Allow me to introduce myself, KR :) Please post in my journal if you'd like!

This is my first grow. I ordered seeds from Nirvana Seeds on 8/24 and received them on 8/30 all the way from Holland, with very clever shipping. The seeds are germinating currently, and i took a peek at them, and they all cracked a little, so I will be planting 3 of each in a day or 2. I will be using a soilless mix such as peat moss, perlite, worm castings, and a little dolomite lime.

My other Mystery is currently 30 days old (was planted 8/3). Unknown if it's male or female. Here are some pictures. I believe it suffered nutrient burn. (I used potting soil..)

And of course, my babes :)


Well-Known Member
My current light set up contains 4 23w CFL's with 6500K color temperature, and they are hanging inches from the plant. I plan to have a 1000 Watt HPS light in the next month.

I keep the lights on 24/0.


Well-Known Member
Day 1

Today I picked up some organic potting soil and 6 5.5 inch containers. I'm going to move this in my attic soon once I get it set up.



Well-Known Member
It's only been a day since I put these babes in the ground and 1 is already poking through. Hopefully tomorrow morning I can see all of them.

I still need to get a light. I'm thinking of either a 600 watt or a 1000 watt with the conversion kit so I can use Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium. I'm going to be doing this in the attic, and it's going to be a cold winter, so I shouldn't have to much heat trouble. The AC/Furnace are in the attic, and I'm going to run that into my grow area. I'm probably going to make a room, only trouble is the height is only 6 feet.


Well-Known Member
All 6 can now be seen, and 3 have sprouted already. It pays to place the root of the seed up!



Well-Known Member
All of them are coming up so fast!

Mystery is finally growing really fast. Currently 6 1/2 inches, while Ganjalez is 1 3/4 inches.
