L.E.D. grow lights?


New Member
eat my dick faggit I think u owe me a hand job or an apology Mr. English you have allot to say with no content you just try to bullshit your way through.. Its ok though I have a life im gunna get back to it next time u call some one on some bull shit have the testicular fortitude to admit when u look like an asshole.. asshole
Your whole post is about hand jobs and eating dicks, and even some assholes and testicles, and yet you call someone else a faggot and spell it wrong. We'll be seeing you later under a different name for sure.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I don't think the 'eat a dick' thing was directed at me. I was just being my usual smartass self. If we're going to let fly with insults, let's at least make them funnier.

Suck this, asshole that, etc is just boring. I wanna see some creativity, ferfuxsake! :lol:


New Member
I don't think the 'eat a dick' thing was directed at me. I was just being my usual smartass self. If we're going to let fly with insults, let's at least make them funnier.

Suck this, asshole that, etc is just boring. I wanna see some creativity, ferfuxsake! :lol:
he would be out of the running if we even asked him to spell right. Creativity is way beyond his abilities. Maybe he can make a big "fuck You" on his led board and post it for us.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
You score extra points if you can insult the person, their matriarchal lineage and their sexual proclivities with livestock all in one sentence, like 'Fuck you and the goat-felching whore that shat you into this world.' That's 50 points right there, I'm tellin' ya! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
yep, I do no veg SoG- but 1.5z/plant = 42.6g/plant. How the heck is it I'm getting 4x your per-plant yield? That ain't right...
- from rooted clone i do 3 wk veg, 60 - 75 day flower and come off with atleast 2 1/2 - 4 oz per plant. with about a 3oz average... hydro

with 2 600w HPS
6x8 room

I was thinking about sog and and packing more plants closer, I am interested in how to get 1 oz per plant, if I could fit 4 or even 5 where I fit 1 that would guarantee the yield to be larger for me per square foot.


Well-Known Member
I don't think LEDwank knows nor cares. Knowledge isn't his strong suit. :D

You do twice as many under your 1000 as I do- and I am getting 1.5z per. I need to get smaller pots! :lol:

I think the difference would be square footage vs lumens youre getting to your plants, if shes using 1 1000 watt and doubling the square footage by raising the light higher in the air would decrease the amount of lumens given to the plant, i think if she used 2 1000watters and moved them closer she would improve her yield... just my 2 cents, take it for what its worth.


Well-Known Member
Mr. English you have allot to say with no content
Was that aimed at me? Well, I could go off on the countless errors in syntax, grammar, and spelling..but I think you got the idea in the first post. It does sound like I struck a soft spot with you though (Haha! Mission Accomplished). Rule number one when it comes to trying to convey ideas with authority: don't make massive amounts of errors in your statements. How is that for some content?


New Member
Was that aimed at me? Well, I could go off on the countless errors in syntax, grammar, and spelling..but I think you got the idea in the first post. It does sound like I struck a soft spot with you though (Haha! Mission Accomplished). Rule number one when it comes to trying to convey ideas with authority: don't make massive amounts of errors in your statements. How is that for some content?
I think he was talking to me. I'm pretty sure its the one who pm's me love letters.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's as simple as getting all conditions right. The hard part is getting all of them right at the same time. :lol:
Tell me about it , Im already working on my timing, but I am hoping to get 4 - 5 in the space of 1 plant. going from 3oz to 5 oz per bucket.


Active Member
been reading through this thread.....well not all the way through got to like page 6 and got bored because everything being said about led grow lights is the same on both sides but there are a lot of differing ideas. In my opinion i think of led grow lights as an additive to the grow process, i think they can still be used by themselves to help grow a plant but ideally should be used (if at all) to give a plant an extra "boost" since they do emit in the perfected spectrum they just don't have the intensity. i think that's what i'll do for my first grow, use leds AND some cfl lighting, i want to keep it cheap on the energy side of things, i don't really want my bills getting to large i don't think my housemates will appreciate lol jokes.


Well-Known Member
I can't believe the acrimony on this thread. Thank you, acrimonious ones, for making my first night on the forums as a password-carrying member really, really sweet. Like ditch weed sweet. Like, month-old bong-water on your lap sweet. Or, didn't know the bowl was cashed when you took the monster hit sweet.

Anyhow. I love my gay cousin and I love my fucking LED grow light! Oh don't worry I've got time line pictures coming. This second grow now in week 4 of flower is looking lovely and I'll show it all to you in good time. That is, those who are interested. Some like to grow as much chemically laden mutant buds as they can, regardless of the quality, I mean grams is dollars right? ;-) Some care more for quality or purity. I grow organically in soil with LED and CFL. Simple. clean. quiet. cool. efficient. fun. oh and I guess it's LAME.

Brick Top

New Member
The simple fact is LED lighting is DAMN good BUT you need to have a ton of them if that is all you are using for lighting. You need them above your entire area and surrounding your entire area and in between your plants too if you want full thick lush plants with big buds right down to the lowest parts of the plants and that makes LED lighting cost prohibitive for most.

Trying to use them alone in small numbers will not work and buying as many as most people would need would bust their budget unless they have a really thick wallet or unless grandpa left you a hefty trust fund to tap.

They run ultra cool and they save a ton in electricity and they only put out the precise light spectrums plants need and nothing more like HID lighting does.

In theory there is nothing better if you use them and you use them right but since they cost so darn much they are just not a value to most people.

For some odd reason threads about LED lighting almost always seem to turn into an argument on any grow site I have ever been a member of. The discussion for some reason seems to bring out the worst in people and people get really upset at times and I just don’t understand it.

People have such powerful opinions of lighting but I almost never, if ever at all, see people get upset when someone has a thread about their home made fluorescent light setup that in my opinion would be totally inadequate but many or most people are cool and the gang with that sort of setup but mention LED’s and some people FREAK OUT! It just doesn’t make any sense to me that people will become so emotional and so upset over LED’s.

The fact is they are spectacular IF you can afford enough of them to do it right. A few years ago on another pot site I followed a thread of a members who had the bucks to spend and bought a ton of LED lighting and totally covered the area above their grow with LED light bars and put LED light bars on portable posts in between their plants and surrounded their plants with LED light bars and the plants were beautiful and thick and lush and had big thick buds on the lowest of branches instead of smaller buds or popcorn buds.

It cost him thousands of dollars to do it but he had money to burn and didn’t care, he just wanted to use LED lighting and his results were utterly fantastic but most people cannot afford to do it right like he did and to do anything less than to do it right when it comes to LED’s is a waste of money unless you are just looking for a little supplemental lighting so for most people they are impractical and cost prohibitive but there is absolutely nothing wrong with LED lighting other than price.

If they dropped in price like plasma screen TV’s have, meaning if they dropped a TON in price they would be the very best way for everyone to go but unless that happens for most people they are not worth taking the time to even consider them because of the total cost for as many lights as someone would need to totally go LED.


Active Member
I'm not one to condemn things quickly. I think LED's could be useful as a supplement to traditional proven lighting. Side lighting for example.
But as soon as I saw the zoomed out picture of LEDGrow's plant, I almost fell out of my chair laughing. It confirms most of what I've heard about LED's.
Dude are you really only growing one plant under that thing?! You're growing for your own reasons, but most of us look at yield to cost. If you put $600 into that and yield an ounce (doubt it looking at that plant) You wouldn't even see a return on your investment for a year.
The light penetration is crap. How is that plant alive looking at the bottom half. Plus can you get any usable yield from the bottom half?
Get a HID light, retire your led's to side lighting. Just stop defending your position. You are personally destroying the future of LED grows! Sit back, let the technology develop and smoke that pathetic shit!