L.E.D Help


Active Member
Can't vouch for the health of plants grown under that kind of light. The spectrum is very lacking, and I doubt there's a warranty to lean on buying thru ebay like that.

To answer the question, yes, you probably could grow a couple of plants under there. But I wouldn't recommend it. I would look at some of the companies that have a name in the industry, most have smaller units that would be a much better investment. Spend a little more up front and have a light that works, lasts a hell of a lot longer, and if something happens is covered under warranty.


Active Member
dont waste $ on led they grow stuff jus like t-5s one led costs as much as a whole grow room. id look for a 4 foot uh 1.3m t-5 maybe a 4 or 8 lamp. way better for the $. hell id go with cfls over an led any day. every led grow ive seen has weak thin plants. there are some led trolls out there that will die by the led ... but for the most everyone is opposed to them. no consistent results have been seen of them at all. ebay is sketchy too. lights are one thing NOT to be cheap about. buy new and get the extended warranty!


Active Member
dont waste $ on led they grow stuff jus like t-5s one led costs as much as a whole grow room. id look for a 4 foot uh 1.3m t-5 maybe a 4 or 8 lamp. way better for the $. hell id go with cfls over an led any day. every led grow ive seen has weak thin plants. there are some led trolls out there that will die by the led ... but for the most everyone is opposed to them. no consistent results have been seen of them at all. ebay is sketchy too. lights are one thing NOT to be cheap about. buy new and get the extended warranty!
Have you grown with any reputable LEDs? Have you looked at some of the LED grow journals on this website? Me thinks not, or else you would be singing a different tune.


So how much will a good led set me back for a 3 plant grow can anyone throw any links in the mix ? Not to sure about LEDs I'm currently running cfl but need to upgrade lighting and down grade heat production


Well-Known Member
Here's what I did and would recommend you might try. You can look at some of the successful grow journals on here, not the thin ones the guy a couple posts was talking about, and see what lights they're using. I ended up talking with Area 51 and got a couple lights they had used for some pictures at a deep discount. The cheapest that I've seen produce is the Blackstar products but even they are a little more than what you've listed.


I to have a question about lighting. I have a 4x4 space that I use a 400 Watt hid and i'm not impressed. So i'm going to buy a led light this time around. I'm really looking at a BD450 - U universal Series by blackdog leds. Is this be large enough? They told me it's great for all stages and they laughed at me when I ask if a hps is needed for flowering. So I know it's a good brand to buy. Any thoughts about led coverage? I'm sorry I forgot to mention the BD-450 draws 450 true watts and puts out 900 LED watts. It says the flowering space is 3.5 x3.5. Is this still not enough or what would you recommend for the best L.E.D for under $1300?


Well-Known Member
I to have a question about lighting. I have a 4x4 space that I use a 400 Watt hid and i'm not impressed. So i'm going to buy a led light this time around. I'm really looking at a BD450 - U universal Series by blackdog leds. Is this be large enough? They told me it's great for all stages and they laughed at me when I ask if a hps is needed for flowering. So I know it's a good brand to buy. Any thoughts about led coverage?
Typically one looks for about 50W/ft2. 4 x 4 = 16ft2 16ft2 x 50w/ft2 = 800W You don't have enough light for your grow. Maybe you should add the LED to the mix not replace the HID...or cut back the grow to a 4 x 2 space...

As far as the gentleman who says LEDs don't grow good flower. Well, I can only say that I personally know that isn't true. Now LED is like T5 in that coverage is king. LED will only grow bud well right underneath the fixture and a few inches to the sides...but not feet to the sides like some manufacturers want to claim. You can increase effective coverage by using a light mover or spinner. LED is NOT a good point source....coverage, coverage, coverage.

I seem to remember several people complaining about their blackdog LEDs dying on them....but do some searches and check for yourself as maybe I'm remembering wrong. DIY is a good option if you are at all diy inclined.


I'm sorry I forgot to mention the BD-450 draws 450 true watts and puts out 900 LED watts. It says the flowering space is 3.5 x3.5. Is this still not enough or what would you recommend for the best L.E.D for under $1300? Not a very DIY person but I have cash.