Ladie Growers/Tokers out there?!!

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Check out the camel toe wars thread.It's already been done.And I'm personally not posting nudes.That's against the rules.
Now this shit is getting out of hand. Guys may have suggestive avi's but no one is posting photos like this of females. Don't sully your cause by going above and beyond what the males have done.


Well-Known Member
lol!! the cak battle! nice one. Yea some of the male gender on here are somewhat abrasive, but its easy to ignore on the net. So im glad to see more girlies found the thread!! WOO HOO TO THE FEMALE GROWERS!!!!!!
hahaha hell yea girl!!

yea they need to get over it! tell em stoney!!!


Well-Known Member
Have you bitched about the multitude of women's pics on the site?Because I have seen many with camel toe, and there was no damn uproar then.But a bunch of us put man pics in ours, and that's all I hear.Well, I say to you my friend, you too are free to ignore me.:peace:
I guess I never really noticed, I can't remember seeing any camel toe pics before this (surprise surprise :eyesmoke:), but I can still be pretty confident in saying I probably haven't come across more than one or two random ones once in a while. It's another thing entirely when some of our most active users start putting genitalia in their sigs. You read the text, and within half an inch is a picture of a giant camel toe or banana-hammocked dick. As for ignoring it, I would if I could but if there's a picture on the page you're going to look at it, especially if it's right next to what you're reading or a person's avatar. Also, there are better avenues for combating offensive pics than posting your own and making the innocent suffer. For the sake of others it would be nice if a cease fire was ordered for these wars :lol:


New Member
hey netpirate. another chick grower here and can i just add that some guys on this website are fricken mean. the only person i trust here is stoney and anyone that has been nice. you will learn that some peeps using this site are stoned, bored and looking to stir some shit. so my advice is to stay clear of anyone who is nasty from the first post hey write. ah like the wanker that just called u a freak for no reason. wat a retard!!! omg stoney where the hell do you find those pics. im confused whether they are hot or not?

hey hun. nice to meetcha! dont mind those little male kids on the net.


New Member
I guess I never really noticed, I can't remember seeing any camel toe pics before this (surprise surprise :eyesmoke:), but I can still be pretty confident in saying I probably haven't come across more than one or two random ones once in a while. It's another thing entirely when some of our most active users start putting genitalia in their sigs. You read the text, and within half an inch is a picture of a giant camel toe or banana-hammocked dick. As for ignoring it, I would if I could but if there's a picture on the page you're going to look at it, especially if it's right next to what you're reading or a person's avatar. For the sake of others it would be nice if a cease fire was ordered for these wars :lol:
THe hammock thingie reminds me of "The Todd" from Scrubs. lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
My point is.There are boobs and sexy girls pics and chick's asses bent over on here.We post some relatively mild pics for two days and we have to hear about it.
I guess I never really noticed, I can't remember seeing any camel toe pics before this (surprise surprise :eyesmoke:), but I can still be pretty confident in saying I probably haven't come across more than one or two random ones once in a while. It's another thing entirely when some of our most active users start putting genitalia in their sigs. You read the text, and within half an inch is a picture of a giant camel toe or banana-hammocked dick. As for ignoring it, I would if I could but if there's a picture on the page you're going to look at it, especially if it's right next to what you're reading or a person's avatar. Also, there are better avenues for combating offensive pics than posting your own and making the innocent suffer. For the sake of others it would be nice if a cease fire was ordered for these wars :lol:


New Member
My point is.There are boobs and sexy girls pics and chick's asses bent over on here.We post some relatively mild pics for two days and we have to hear about it.
Stoney is absolutely right on this one! The subjective photos being tosses around by men clearly have immunity strictly because its a male dominant site BUT the minute girls start this menial discussion it becomes a thing to be looked at. HA! Remember! This is a woman's thread started by a woman! Love ya!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
My point is.There are boobs and sexy girls pics and chick's asses bent over on here.We post some relatively mild pics for two days and we have to hear about it.
Like I said though..First- your premise is wrong, waist down dick shot does not equal cleavage or butt shot. Second- Even if it did, there are better avenues if you are offended than bothering others. Third- The "we" you are referring to that are adding these pics is a group of very active users, whereas the previous offenders were relatively few and far between, you all post like maniacs and everyone that reads toke n talk has to see it. The whole thing isn't that big a deal, but that doesn't change that you guys are at fault for disturbing a lot of peoples' forum viewing. I, like many, will probably start ignoring it after a while, but it's still needlessly annoying. And while male bias is probably part of the small uproar about your pics, I think that for many of us that don't like this surge of genitalia pics it is for the reasons I mentioned above, not because we are all 1 way street woman haters.