Lanky Blueberry


Well-Known Member
warrup RIU. you probly seen my other post about my newest addition "blewbury the athlete"

i just topped it a week ago or sum. my first time toppin i can add
and its beginning to form two main colas.
BUT one of the colas is growing way faster than the other and its causin the plant to sorta lean to the right.

can i do something about this? will the other cola catch up ?
bonus question. how to make a stretched plant get a stronger stem without transplanting?

smokey green

Active Member
take some fishing string and tie it to make it stand up straight.. and have a fan circulate a heavy wind , that should strenghen your stem...


Well-Known Member
take some fishing string and tie it to make it stand up straight.. and have a fan circulate a heavy wind , that should strenghen your stem...
yeah its allready standing straight, but one side still grows alot faster.
i have a fan blowing under all the light hours. but its stretched like crazy so i need some superadvice or sum. im training it to


Well-Known Member
This probably isn't gonna help much but, when my plants stretched I just buried them deeper and moved them closer to the light. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but I'm still kinda a noob myself.


Well-Known Member
This probably isn't gonna help much but, when my plants stretched I just buried them deeper and moved them closer to the light. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but I'm still kinda a noob myself.
thats good advice, if i havent allready done that haha thanks for the input though :)


Well-Known Member
have you tried rotating it ? it helps give her more light in more areas, i rotate all mine once a day, 1\4 to half a turn