Last week


Active Member
Hey All. So I am in the last week of flowering and i think i went a little to heavy on the feeding. The plant had some burn but i flushed it immediately. (I put it in the tub and ran it with water then a few minutes later did it again).
Now will this nute burn severely effect the quality of the nugs.
Also I am about to start using Flora Kleen from General Hydroponics

Is this something that I should use every day i water or just a few times.

Any advice is helpful.



Well-Known Member
as long as you flushed it it shouldnt affect the quality. those look like they have more than a week to go though. how do the trichomes look?


Well-Known Member
ya i agree with unforgiven you should wait longer than a week there is still a lot of potential with that plant


Active Member
I ordered a 60x microscope a couple days back so i will prob wait to get it before I pull. But the hairs are now about half red and half white.


Well-Known Member
pay no attention to the hairs. go with the trichs. im betting youve still got some clear ones on that baby. 3 more weeks is my guess.


Well-Known Member
yes it normal that they die off on their own but thats why its a bad idea to start cutting them off. the plant is pulling all the energy it can in the final 2 weeks to fatten up those buds. if cut em off while they have no other source of food (because your flushing with plain water) the plant will just begin to die and you buds will start to break down.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everyone else, I am at day 40 flowering, and my ladies are very similar to yours, give her another 3 weeks.