Lateral Root growth under LED


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed a difference in root growth under LED?

I am noticing relatively short primary roots, with long lateral roots, something I'm not used to seeing under either fluorescent or HPS.

Has anyone else noticed strange root growth under LED?


Well-Known Member
My root's are always like that. It's a good thing, your increasing the surface area of the root system which will allow for more uptake of everything!
What I get when I tear everything down is each plant will have 3-6 primaries, that branch out and fill each one of the tubes with the laterals.


Well-Known Member
Interesting find on red light and phytochrome's influence on root elongation.

The Roles of Phytochromes in Elongation and Gravitropism of Roots

"Gravitropic orientation and the elongation of etiolated
hypocotyls are both regulated by red light through the phy-
tochrome family of photoreceptors. The importance of phy-
tochromes A and B (phyA and phyB) in these red light
responses has been established through studies using
phy mutants. To identify the roles that phytochromes play in
gravitropism and elongation of roots, we studied the effects
of red light on root elongation and then compared the grav-
itropic curvature from roots of phytochrome mutants of
Arabidopsis (phyA ,phyB, phyD and phyAB) with wild type.
We found that red light inhibits root elongation approxi-
mately 35%
in etiolated seedlings and that this response is
controlled by phytochromes
. Roots from dark- and light-
grown double mutants (phyAB) and light-grown phyB seed-
lings have reduced elongation rates compared with wild
type. In addition, roots from these seedlings (dark/light-
grown phyAB and light-grown phyB) have reduced rates of
gravitropic curvature compared with wild type. These
results demonstrate roles for phytochromes in regulating
both the elongation and gravitropic curvature of roots."


Well-Known Member
hi churchhaze............can i link os post your thead/s or pics or vids in my spanish thread?...

