That's a very narrow, isolated point of view, is it not?
People in third world countries don't have that choice that you are talking about, lol, how naive.
80% of the world lives in poverty, and yes that stat includes those in EXTREME Poverty (<$2 a day).
Those people have the choice to work harder? For major companies paying them pennies for making products they'll never ever be able to afford? On top of that, it takes them a week just to make enough to support their family with food. You say they should work harder? They are usually forced to work longer hours a day than us here, and WE STILL MAKE MORE. That is something THEY control?
I'm not advocating to stop doing business with these countries, but I'm saying the business structure of raping and gouging a country of it's resources and people's efforts is what has led to the financial crisis today around the WORLD. The more I look at poverty and it's causes around the world, the more I see big businesses here starting to copy the model they've used for international business. Get rid of employees, cut their pay so they can't afford the products they make, and it trickles on from there.
It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the truth, the narrow isolated attitude really irks me.