Leaf pics - opinions


Well-Known Member
This is cross posted where i have described everything with my grow. But right now, in my discovery process, I would love to hear what you think i am in excess or deficient on. I have looked at the good ole chart myself, but would greatly appreciate some top of mind opinions from peeps with experience.


Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
Increase calcium and magnesium with a top feeding of dolomitic lime and add 5ml-1gal of gen organics cal-mag once every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you need calcium but if you had a pic of the whole plant it would be easier to diagnose specifically.


Well-Known Member
Here are some more pics. My thought was the same. Elsewhere, peeps think it is too much Ca. They should nor be deficient. Plenty of lime in my soil muc and Ca in my nutes (dyna-gro). Which is maling me think I have an issue with the roots absorbing.

PH is good. Everything that goes in is at 6.5. Runoff is at 6.8. Soil about the same. Soil is a mix of potting soil, peat moss, vermiculite and perlite with 2T dolomite lime per gallon.

Only thing different from past runs is strain (barnie's pineapple chunk) and moving from CFlto LED which has dramtically increased time between waterings. I have made some tweaks to hopefully help with that. But soil always had great drainage so it is not like the roots were drowning.



Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I think your on the right track and start by checking out the root system. Just by the way some of the leaves look, color and shape, it appears that's where the issue is beginning. A few waterings with some EWC tea certainly wouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
How would you check! I am not comfortable lifting the plants out but maybe I need to...

Steps taken to dry them out faster thus far.
1) drilled some holes mid way up around the pots to allow more airflow. A pseudo airpot I suppose
2) put one incandecent "grow" bulb in the tent to provide some heat. i am convinced that regardless of the temp, a heat source will help. it seems to bringing temp up to 78 from about 74.
3) pots already had holes on the underside and around the bottom. but they were sitting in tupperware containers as drain pans whose walls rose above the holes, restricting air flow to the bottom of the pots. they are now in flat drain pans and raised slight above them so that even the holes on the underside have some airflow.
4) placed a small oscillating at the bottom of the tent to increase the airflow

All minor tweaks but I am hoping they make a difference. The first tweaks were done Th and seemed to help. Those pics were from a couple days ago. They got a good feeding yesterday and nothing seems to be getting worse which is good. They also flipped to 12-12 Th so the stretch i would think would cause more natural water consumption anyway. They don't seem as strong as i would like but do seem to be growing well.

Main thing for any newer newbies is not freaking out and doing something stupid to the plants in an act of love. Believe me, I pondered all kinds of stuff before going slow and steady to remedy it.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Good for you taking a patient approach. Drastic measure's usually only exacerbate the situation. Lifting them gently from the pots is really not that big of a deal. Its just best to do it when they are a bit on the drier side. It will give you a visual of at least of the outer roots appearance. And again some EWC tea will introduce some beneficials that certainly will not hurt and can only help.