Leaf spot - identify


Well-Known Member
hello friends,

can any one help me identifying what is causing this spots?

i am growing outdoor.

thank you
Have you looked under the leaves for spider mites? Small spots is one of the signs. They're hard to see without a Jeweler's loupe.


New Member
Yes, i think it can be cal mag deficiency or spider mites.

So yesterday i gave her some cal mag nut and sprayed with cannacure.

she only has 10 days old.

will see how does she develop in the next following days.

thank you for your help


Well-Known Member
Make a cover over your young plant to protect her against jerks and add small amount of calmag or dolomite lime. If you do not see any spidermites on the bottom side of the leaves, after performing all of the actions said above, symptoms should stop spreading. Beware of overwatering also!


Well-Known Member
Make a cover over your young plant to protect her against jerks and add small amount of calmag or dolomite lime. If you do not see any spidermites on the bottom side of the leaves, after performing all of the actions said above, symptoms should stop spreading. Beware of overwatering also!


Well-Known Member
Sedlings in this early stage of life usually do not expres such a lot of marks of deficiencies. You grow outdoor so try to protect her by cover, for example the net which is used to protect small babies in the cradlle against flyes and wasps works good. Than you will see if it is deff or not. If it is deff than it is probably calcium def. Your soil looks good and new so I do not pretend that you have already have some bugs in your system.


Well-Known Member
Do you know if it came enriched with ferts? Some have a couple weeks, but maybe yours didn't, which might explain some of the deficiencies we're seeing. Damaged leaves do not repair themselves, so look at the top growth. I'm thinking you need to start adding nutrients.


Well-Known Member
For future reference, use the GrowWeedEasy plant problems guide.



New Member
Do you know if it came enriched with ferts? Some have a couple weeks, but maybe yours didn't, which might explain some of the deficiencies we're seeing. Damaged leaves do not repair themselves, so look at the top growth. I'm thinking you need to start adding nutrients.
it is enriched yes. I am already feeding nuts. Today I flushed. Next feed I will add a little more to see what happens.

thanks for all your help


Well-Known Member
That does not look like spider mites, but you will certainly know soon enough... Also if you flush in enriched soil you are just releasing a bunch more nutes.


Did you start the seed off in that soil ? Its heavily fertilised, that could possibly be why, personally I’d start off in biobizz light mix then pot up to all mix when the plant has a nice rootball.


Well-Known Member
All mix is very "hot" for seedlings, I'm the same as amnesia420, I love biobizz soil, but I start in a small pot of light might then transplant into all mix once some decent roots have developed enough to handle the nutes in the all mix

If I'm doing autoflowers and dont want to transplant I'll fill the 20 litre pot with all mix, dig a 5 litre hole in the middle and put in a core of light mix where I'll start the seed, I've seen much better growth in early stages since I started doing this!