Leaf Spotting. Think Different.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
well I have..... more than once and that's what happens........... you grow w bottom dollar nutrients and equipment in what looks to be an oven....... might wanna talk about things you know......
yeah, gavitas, with a 24,000 btu dyken A/c sentinel c02 controller. Shows how WRONG you are AGAIN.oh, and 20 years as an a/c contractor. heat is never an issue. Now, A small aphid problem, maybe. Just goes to show how wrong you are and that you can't diagnose shit.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
any experience in soil?
Ok dumbass, for the last time, WHEN is rust spots a symptom of over watering, you are an idiot and i have wasted my time trying to explain it to you. You think organic is different from synthetic nutes because you have no clue how plants use nutes. So go fuck yourself loser. you're wrong and always will be.


Well-Known Member
Ok dumbass, for the last time, WHEN is rust spots a symptom of over watering, you are an idiot and i have wasted my time trying to explain it to you. You think organic is different from synthetic nutes because you have no clue how plants use nutes. So go fuck yourself loser. you're wrong and always will be.
your plants look like ass......

so you've never grown in soil but you know im wrong?........ a fukn parrot

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
your plants look like ass......

so you've never grown in soil but you know im wrong?........ a fukn parrot
my plants do not look like your face, and all I grow is in soil. PLEASE LOSER, tell us how over watering causes rust spots in organic soil, fucking idiot


Well-Known Member
my plants do not look like your face, and all I grow is in soil. PLEASE LOSER, tell us how over watering causes rust spots in organic soil, fucking idiot
soil is organic......... soil less is the stuff you should dump your chemicals on....

now youre learning....

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
last line.... first post... happy frog........
and right before that, he says, no nutes have been added YET. Bacteria and fungus don't just take off because you added R/O water. They need to be fed and they need stuff R/O doesn't have, Genius
he has been using Nothing but R/o for WEEKS, He has a cal/mag deficiency, organic or not.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
at best, Happy frog has 3 weeks of nutes before it runs out and if growing organic need to be fed to thrive, they don't keep growing on R/O water, idiot.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
three weeks?.... did you read that on the internet or do you use happy frog?....... a fukn parrot
You don't grow, you don't know how plants work, you can't diagnose anything. You don't know how "organics" work. Have a good day loser, I don't talk to Donkeys


Well-Known Member
You don't grow, you don't know how plants work, you can't diagnose anything. You don't know how "organics" work. Have a good day loser, I don't talk to Donkeys

so you read it and now youre repeating it........... a fukn parrot........ 20 years of hvac..... lol.......... sure are a lot of hvac guys on riu....


Well-Known Member
if you go around repeating whatever you hear and don't have any experience w it ...... its probably not much of a stretch to think you actually work at taco bell...