Leaf Tips Curling Down


Well-Known Member
Let the plants talk to you telling you the watering schedule they want at any particular time.
Watering on a regular schedule is healthy and good for the plant, but not on some shedule you just make up, must water only when the plant really needs it. If you water too soon when she doesn't really need it, oxygen and nutrients cannot be uptaked and deficiency like problems manifest ie: purplish hues, green color change, leaves twisting curling..All growth can be impeded and/or halted as roots are slowly drowing over time and plant health and flower quality and yield will diminish. Everything we see above is a direct visual of what is happening in the rootzone below. Grow your roots and the plant above will follow. The plant above is just a representation of your roots. Air to the roots is the most important thing there is.

I have to agree with the guys above talking about overwatering.
Nothing is a certainty just going by some pics, but this is what could be happening.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
2-3 days between watering. It's in a smart pot.
Do you think I should give more time between watering?
It's been 3 weeks since any fertilizer besides cal max and Epsom salts.
I appreciate all the input on this.
Only you can tell if it needs a water. Unless you have a moisture meter.(these are good BTW) Otherwise stick your finger down into the pot. Only water when the finger comes out dry.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
Only you can tell if it needs a water. Unless you have a moisture meter.(these are good BTW) Otherwise stick your finger down into the pot. Only water when the finger comes out dry.
2-3 days between watering. It's in a smart pot.
Do you think I should give more time between watering?
It's been 3 weeks since any fertilizer besides cal max and Epsom salts.
I appreciate all the input on this.
If you don't have a moisture meter get one. They cost $10. Some people hate them, some love them. Looks like you probably already spent over a grand on your set up, add $10 to that and try it.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
2-3 days between watering. It's in a smart pot.
Do you think I should give more time between watering?
It's been 3 weeks since any fertilizer besides cal max and Epsom salts.
I appreciate all the input on this.
How did you go?