Leaf yellowing/browning super soil grow

I'm using fox farm ocean forest, with bottom 1/3rd natures living autoflower mix, 5 gallon pots, 24/0 light cycle temp 81.5f 44% rh. Purple punch auto. I'm thinking either I made the super soil mix too strong, or it's light stress? What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
If using FF OF, I wouldn't ever give more than a 8 ounces of "natures living autoflower mix" per each 5 gallon pot, as using anymore than that will make the mix to hot! Yeah, if you were using a base mix like pro-mix, then use the recommend 16 ounces per 5 gallon pot, but when your base soil mix is already pretty hot, use only 8 ounces of your "natures living autoflower mix" per 5 gallons of your base soil mix!
Yeah, I knew I mixed it hot, but had no idea how hot. Apparently it's VERY hot. I have no spare soil to transplan, I do however have more auto seeds though, is there a way I can condition this soil, I guess cooking it would just make it hotter? Or do I need to add some potting soil like pro mix to delute it??


Well-Known Member
Only your temps are good. Humidity is a bit low, the 24 0 works but I recommend 20 4 so they get 4 hours of dark recovery time.

They are showing strong N mix and are having trouble getting the right amount of calcium. I would water only and change a few environmental things mentioned above and watch them. They may be fine after a few more waterings but you need to keep them as unstressed as possible until they get used to the mix.
Only your temps are good. Humidity is a bit low, the 24 0 works but I recommend 20 4 so they get 4 hours of dark recovery time.

They are showing strong N mix and are having trouble getting the right amount of calcium. I would water only and change a few environmental things mentioned above and watch them. They may be fine after a few more waterings but you need to keep them as unstressed as possible until they get used to the mix.
Yeah, I was misting a couple times a day to get the humidity up, I I heavily watered them today outside, I guess adding oyster shell or some other calcium on top wouldn't help, because it's an issue with the roots at this point? The leaves are really dark green. But I am still noticing new growth.
If you have to give it something, give it a small dose of Recharge with the next watering. It will help a little.
I have some recharge, I'll give them a weak dose next water, it was time to water today as it was, so they each got about 2 gallons, which resulted in about a 20% run off. The new growth on my tallest is kinda curling down.



Well-Known Member
Auto is on autopilot... give them a lot of light and a good enviro, all you can do. They are starting the switch to flower already.

You will get a good yield just let them grow.