leafs fading


Well-Known Member
They are a week and 2 days old, under 3 cfls (1 43watt 2 28watt) in mg organic mix potting soil. 18/6 light sched. Just tried to PH my water but the comparison chart's lowest number is 6.8 (i hope thats alright) i adjusted it to 6.8 if not a little lower. Is the soil too strong?
There are two different plants in these pictures.


the widowman

Well-Known Member
the two round leaves turn yellow and drop off naturally, you're plants look fine just hope it does'nt get worse. keep it organic and it'l be fine


Well-Known Member
ya i dont see what is wrong, by the way they look indica.
Thanks for saying you don't see what is wrong, kinda makes me feel better. As a first time grower i kind of pay attention to every little detail. Oh well, and i hope they are indica! They were just some bag seed for first time "practice" :)