Leave Discoloration and Jagged Edges of leaves curling upwards!!!! Guru's please Help

Anybody's help would be greatly appreciated so I can correct the problem in my room. These are pictures of this problem in the latter stages. It has spread to every plant and these pictures are the worst of it. It seems to be attacking older larger leaves foremost and not effecting new growth. Plants otherwise healthy. I noticed the jagged edges of the leaves curling upward as well. Using Canna nutes for the first time and havent been able zto get much info from other users. Could this be the problem? Also using three hps 1000w, could this be as simple as heat stress? Please help dont want to lose my grow!!!!!!!!:leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
minor heat stress on the curling.. and on the nutes i would say just a little to much..

flush and give a mild solution for a few days..

and let me know how she does, i think a have a crush!


Active Member
minor heat stress on the curling.. and on the nutes i would say just a little to much..

flush and give a mild solution for a few days..

and let me know how she does, i think a have a crush!
same thing here , any burn shows up on the tips 1st not in the middle of the leaf , its a lock up guys
If it is a lock-out will I be able to save my grow with a soil flush? Also any word from anyone on the Canna nutes? Using Bio Vega, Cannazyme, Rhizotonic right now in the veg. stage. They are supposed to be designed speciifically for cannabis. Was using a less concentrated dose than directions said. Plant growth does not seem to be stunted. What is my next step? Have a lot invested and need to save this grow. Help!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can save your grow. Flush with a mild solution of nutes, ppm 200. Use florakleen or something like it. Run water through until the run off reads about 500ppm. Then let them dry out really well before you water again. This time, water with just cal-mag plus and water. Let them dry out good again. Water with water and cal-mag plus. Do that until they start to look better. Then start to feed nutes again at 200ppm. Slowly work your way up.

Be sure NOT to use ferts every time you water. Only use ferts like once or twice a week. All the other waterings do with calmag and water.