leaves are crawling upwards :(


Active Member
hi all,

got this Bomb Berry Bomb fem seed...its day 11 in waterfarm...day15 from the seed.

got some leaves crawling upwards, was wondering whats the problem...i think its too much N, so i just added 2L of water.

here's some pics:


all in all is growing well...under 200w CFL light...temp: 25-29C ...hum: 50-60%

thanks in advance :leaf:


Active Member
When the heat gets too high, the edges of the serrated leaves will begin to curl up even if there are no burns or other signs of light stress.
LoL it happens rarely

PS: No Nitrogen problem there


Active Member
ohh...crap...i added water already lol

no matter, thank you very much for the help, will move the light a little...will see how it goes.


Active Member
hey all, its me again :rolleyes:

got a little problem here...dont like what i see...its seems to grow well, but not looking very healthy and so i wonder what u'll think :confused:

here's some pics:


please dont be shy and share your opinions, thanks! :leaf:


New Member
Im no expert but heat stress would be my best guess.
Its to hot.
Try moving the light further away or a fan blowing to cool the tops of the plant.

Happy Growing!


Active Member
thank for the reply...i did move the light...and its a CFL light...not as hot as HPS...anyway it dint change much...thats why i was wondering.

today, i installed an HPS 400w running at 250SL ..and it looks like the problem is almost gone now...not sure its because of the lamp or what.
that CFL 200w light did a great job in the beginning, the plant was growing very fast...now getting my plant used to hps lamp...soon to go to 12/12

will upload some pics soon :p


Active Member
Day 20 (from seed)


...had to move some leaves to let the little one's see the sun :cool: ...she's getting very fat, very fast lol